“Did your previous Daddies or Mommies require you to be bare-bottomed for corner time?” he asked instead of answering.

“Um, not exactly,” Sammy said, his voice far softer than when asking his question.

“What does that mean, exactly?” Jackson asked, taking advantage of the stoplight and turning to look at them directly.

When Sammy didn’t appear ready to answer, Maxine shrugged. “It means that we’ve never had a Mommy and the only Daddy either of us ever had left after he found out we wanted to stay together. We read about them all the time but have never found anyone who wanted both of us. I mean, you do want both of us, right? You’re not going to pick whichever of us you like best?”

“Absolutely not,” Jackson said without hesitation. He had never had a pair of Littles before but the very thought of choosing one over the other was already unthinkable to him. “As far as I’m concerned, you two are a matched set. I wouldn’t dream of separating you. I know we have a lot to learn about each other and what you might be expecting, what I’m expecting, hard limits, that sort of thing, but you can take this to the bank. I want both of you to be my Littles. As you said, I’m a big man which means my hands aren’t the only big things I have.” When Maxine gasped and her face flushed, he grinned. “I meant I have a really big heart. I promise, it’s more than big enough for two Littles such as you and Sammy. Okay?”

“Okay,” Maxine said with a smile and a giggle that let him know she was aware that he knew exactly what she’d been thinking.

“So, does that mean you’ll pull my pants down, Daddy?” Sammy asked again.

The Little’s tenacity reminded Jackson of a dog with a bone. “Yes, that’s exactly what it means. Occasionally, I’ll require you to bare yourself for me, but tonight, I’ll take care of everything. Are you both okay with that?”

They shared another glance and again nodded in unison.

“Words, little ones,” Jackson said, turning back to face the front as the light turned green.

“Yes, Daddy, we’re okay with that,” two voices chorused.

“Good,” Jackson said, already picturing the scene he planned to enact as soon as they got to Tastsinn.

Fifteen minutes later, Maxine tried her best not to shiver as she once again placed her hand in that of this Daddy-Dom who was promising to be so much more. It crossed her mind that she truly had no idea who he really was, well, besides being the handsomest man with the most gorgeous sapphire eyes and the blackest hair she’d ever seen. The silver streaks at his temples only gave him a more sophisticated air. He was dressed all in black, the t-shirt stretched across a chest that looked almost as wide as the bed she slept on. The sleeves molded to biceps that were as large as her thighs. When he’d turned his back to her after buckling her into the car, she’d seen he filled out the back of his jeans just as perfectly as he did the front. Despite how they’d never actually mentioned the fact, she had absolutely no doubt that the bulge she saw hidden by the black denim was in proportion to the rest of him. She felt her panties moisten as she shivered and not from the cold. Even the cowboy boots on his feet were black. Though he could easily be considered the poster boy for a cat burglar as he’d be practically invisible in the dark, she wasn’t the least bit afraid. In fact, if she looked up sexy in the dictionary, she was pretty sure his face would be looking back at her. As it was, when she glanced up, he was smiling down at her.

“Okay?” he asked when she climbed out of the car. “Not feeling dizzy or anything?”

“No,” she said, then silently cursed herself. If she’d said she was a bit light-headed, she was pretty sure she could get out of whatever punishment she had coming. Instead of changing her answer, she hurriedly added, “I mean, no, Sir. I’m good.”

He smiled and gave her hand a squeeze as they walked around the car and he again reached inside to undo Sammy’s seat belt and helped him out as well. As the three lined up holding hands as if they’d done so a million times before, Maxine really couldn’t believe this was happening to them. They actually hadn’t been planning on playing tonight, but after the men they hired to bring the cross from their shop to the club had placed the huge apparatus into position, the two had looked at it and each other and simply known they had to try it out. After all, it was their responsibility to ensure it was exactly right. At least that’s what they’d told each other after dismissing the movers.

They’d flipped to see who got to play the submissive and who would be the Dominant. All had gone well until she’d forgotten she was standing on top of the boards spanning the sawhorses. She’d needed the extra height to make sure the blindfold was securely tied over Sammy’s eyes. Stepping back, her foot had hit air instead of wood and down she’d gone, pulling boards, tools, and the canister of nails and screws with her. The tarp had been the last thing she remembered seeing as it floated like some sort of shroud over her before her world went dark when her head smacked against the floor. Nothing but silence and blackness existed until she heard Sammy’s voice telling her that Daddy had her.

It hadn’t made sense at the time, and really didn’t even now, but she wasn’t going to question what could be the best thing to ever happen to them. Both of them. That was the true miracle. Who would have thought that a man as perfect as Jackson Holliday appeared to be would even give them a single glance?

“Did we lose you?”

“Huh?” Max’s attention snapped back to the present as she realized they stood in front of Tastsinn’s door.

“Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” Jackson asked, dropping her hand to press the back of his against her forehead as if checking for a fever.

She shook her head. “I’m good.”

Jackson gave her a long look before nodding. “You’re to tell me immediately if that changes. I don’t care if it’s so much as a twinge, I want to know.”


“Okay what?” he prompted.

“Okay, Sir?” she tried only to see him frown. “I mean, okay, Daddy?”

“That’s better,” he said with a smile. “Remember what I said. Straight to the corners.”

“Yes, Daddy,” they both said, and once he opened the door, they scooted in ahead of him and, remaining silent, gave each other a look, linked their arms together, raised their knees high and began to actually march across the lobby and through the doors that led into the club proper.

Maxine could hear Jackson chuckle as he locked the door behind them before following in their footsteps. Once inside the club, she dropped Sammy’s arm but again, without a single word, the two hugged each other offering support, and then turned and headed toward opposite corners. When her nose pressed against the wall, she shifted her feet apart and putting her arms behind her back, cupped her elbows. She was deciding exactly how she was to push her butt out when she gave an involuntarily squeal as someone touched her.

“Shhh, it’s Daddy. Are you going to be okay standing or would you prefer to kneel?” Jackson asked.