“Sammy, you’re so not helping,” Maxine grouched.

“Believe it or not, he is. Having access to money in case you need it is being safe. No matter where you keep it,” Jackson said with a grin as he extended his hand again.

The moment seemed to stretch with nothing but the sound of their breathing filling the same area. Finally, Maxine gave a soft sigh, pushed the sheet down and took his hand.

“That’s a good girl,” Jackson praised, helping her to stand by the side of the bed. He untied the gown that was huge on her small frame, exposing her to his view for the first time. She was wearing a baby-blue bra and matching panties and he smiled at seeing the set sported yellow baby ducklings swimming across the fabric. If he had any doubts about Sammy’s assurance she wasn’t his Mommy, they disappeared. Every piece of Maxie’s clothing screamed Little.

Once she was dressed, he lifted her to sit on the bed again, her sharp squeak of surprise had him pausing.

“Did I hurt you?” he asked.

“No, it’s just… wow, you’re really big, aren’t you?”

“Maybe you’re just really small,” he countered as he began to work a sneaker onto her left foot.

“Nope, I may be Little but I’m not that small,” Maxine said. “But you… you’re like a giant.”

“Who has really huge hands,” Sammy said, throwing in his two-cents worth. “You know what that means.”

“Sammy!” Maxine squealed, color flooding her face as her eyes locked onto the crotch of Jackson’s jeans.

“I was talking about spanking!” Sammy swore, his own face flushing as brightly red as Maxie’s.

Jackson just laughed, tied the last lace and helped her to stand again. Offering them each a hand that they slipped theirs into, the trio left the hospital, anxious to see what the future held.

Chapter 3

Upon learning that Sammy’s car was parked behind the club, Jackson had a decision to make. He could return to Tastsinn and administer their punishment there, but that would mean the pair had a far too convenient escape route right outside the back door. He wasn’t about to let either go without first delivering the hot bottoms he’d promised and the aftercare forgiven Littles always needed, which he was looking forward to providing.

The fact that he also needed to go over a few things with Brad whom he’d called to come take over for him when he drove Sammy to the hospital, made the executive decision easy. After checking to ensure that Sammy had secured his seat belt correctly, he explained what was going to happen as he buckled Maxie’s seat belt.

“We’re going back to the club, and while I tend to a few things, the two of you will wait for me to finish. Once I have, we can either go to one of your places or to mine. Wherever we wind up, I’ll be staying the night to ensure that our patient is indeed all right.”

“Does this mean you’re not going to um, you know…” Maxine began.

Before Jackson could respond, Sammy jumped in. “Of course he’s gonna spank us, silly. What kind of Daddy would say something and then do something else?”

“The good kind?” Max tried.

“Nice try,” Jackson said. “But no Daddy worth his salt would do that to anyone he cared about.”

“How can you care about us so fast? You just met us,” Maxine pointed out, tilting her head to look at him as if puzzling out how that was possible.

“When you know, you know,” Jackson replied, leaning forward to brush a kiss against her forehead before pulling back and shutting the door. He knew everything was happening fast, but he’d meant what he said. The moment he’d seen Sammy and the innocent trust the younger man offered, he was enthralled. Add to that the sweet Little girl he’d discovered beneath the canvas tarp, and he was theirs. If they would have him that is. He’d laid out his plan, and though he fully intended to carry through with it, the reality was that either one could bring the entire relationship to a screeching halt if they didn’t feel the same way. He was definitely a Daddy-Dom, but he would never even think about attempting to force himself or his chosen dynamic on anyone who didn’t want it as badly as he did.

Climbing behind the wheel, he glanced in the rearview mirror to see his two passengers exchange a glance and nod in unison before they met his eyes.

“Okay, Daddy. But we better go to your place because ours is really small and even if you don’t want to admit it, you really are a big man.”

Jackson laughed and started the car. “Okay, I’ll give you that. Once we get back to the club, no talking unless asked a question. You’ll march straight to a corner and press your noses into the wall. You’ll stand there with your hands behind your backs, your legs slightly apart and your little butts pushed out. You’ll think about all the things that could have happened if I hadn’t been in the club to check on things. Any questions?”

Not a peep was heard but he sensed movement and another glance in the mirror showed Sammy’s hand waving rather frantically in the air.

Chuckling, Jackson said, “Silence is the rule unless asked a question, remember?”

“Oh, right,” Sammy said, lowering his arm. “Do we pull our own pants down or do you do that?”

That certainly came as a surprise, but Jackson didn’t show it as he gave the question serious consideration. The very fact that Sammy had asked spoke volumes. Evidently the young man was not a stranger to the dynamic but that didn’t truly speak of his actual experience.