“Is she gonna die?” Sammy asked.

“Not if I can help it,” Jackson said, taking a moment to glance at the young man. His hands were fluttering in the air as if desperate to touch Max himself, but it was the sight of a tear on his cheek that had Jackson’s tone softening a touch. “Why don’t you get dressed while I call 911.”

He might as well have given the suggestion in Japanese for all Sammy seemed to understand it. Taking his arm, Jackson leaned closer, took Sammy’s chin in his fingertips, and forced the young man’s gaze to his. “If you want to help Maxie, I need you to get dressed and go downstairs to let the EMTs in. Do you think you can do that for me?”

Sammy nodded as he blinked back tears “O-okay.”

“That’s my good boy,” Jackson said, releasing his chin.

As the young man quickly dressed, Jackson fished his phone from his pocket and called 911, explaining the reason for the request for help, providing a quick synopsis of his brief examination and giving the address. Hanging up, he continued to carefully examine Maxine. Her chest rose and fell evenly which gave him hope, but it wasn’t until she moaned softly and her eyelids fluttered that he felt a rush of relief.

“Do you know where the light panel is?” Jackson asked, lifting his gaze to where Sammy was standing after tying his shoes.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good. Turn the lights on before you go downstairs so the EMTs won’t have to walk through the club in the dark.”

“Okay. Um, when I said Maxie was my partner, I meant we work together, not that she’s my girlfriend or anything. Just my bestie.”

“That’s fine,” Jackson said. “We can talk about relationships later. The EMTs should be here soon. Go on now.”

“Yes, Sir,” he said, squatting beside Max, and though his hand hovered above her face, he didn’t touch her. “Hang in there, Maxie. Daddy’s got you.”

The statement seemed to have an effect on both those left in the room. Maxie’s lips curled slightly though her eyes remained closed, and Jackson felt a warmth flow through him. He’d not been expecting to be anyone’s Daddy, but then again, he’d never expected to run into two Little ones who so obviously needed one as much as these two did.

Chapter 2

“I suppose you think I should be all embarrassed and everything, but I’m not. I mean, I know it’s not normal to be introduced that way, with me blindfolded and tied up while, um—”

“Naked as a jaybird?” Jackson supplied when Sammy seemed to run out of steam.

“Yeah, that, though birds have feathers so they’re not really naked, are they?” Sammy acknowledged, his eyes glued to the view outside his window though the darkness guaranteed he wasn’t seeing much more than his own reflection. He gave a deep sigh and turned to look down at his hands, his fingers rubbing opposite wrists which were slightly red. “I guess we screwed up didn’t we?”

“I’d say that’s a safe guess,” Jackson agreed, flipping on his signal before taking the turn leading into the parking lot of the hospital.

“I know I deserve to be punished, but can we… I mean, would it be okay if we don’t tell the doctor about how you found us? I don’t want Maxie to be embarrassed.”

Jackson found it rather telling that Sammy didn’t seem to even consider he’d been the only nude one in the room or that he didn’t deserve a good, long spanking. He also earned himself some brownie points for caring more about his friend than himself. Not enough to escape a spanking, but enough to have Jackson’s respect. Pulling into a parking spot, he cut the ignition and turned to face his passenger.

“Let’s get something straight. I’m not the least bit concerned about finding you naked. I’m not even shocked at finding you restrained to the cross. After all, you were in the middle of a BDSM club.” Making sure Sammy’s eyes were locked on his, he continued, “And in case you’re wondering, I’m not even embarrassed at finding your cock erect.”

“You’re not?” Sammy gasped as if that came as a total shock.

“Nope, in fact, I take it as a compliment as it got that way after you felt me touching you.” Biting back a grin at the blush flooding Sammy’s face, he added, “However, none of that negates the reasons why you deserve to go over my lap to have your bottom blistered. Care to guess why?”

“Because we didn’t really think things through? I mean, we’ve never played on any of the club’s equipment or anything, but we wanted to make sure we’d placed the cross in the perfect spot… and, well, to be honest, thought it would be kinda fun to test it out. I guess we should have done that in our shop, or at least thought about safety a bit more.”

“You guess correctly. You mentioned testing the cross at your shop. Does that mean you sold it to Mr. Dietrich?” Jackson asked.

“Do you mean Master Logan?” At Jackson’s nod, Sammy continued, “Yes, I guess we did sell it,” Sammy said as if needing to ponder the answer to a simple question. “But we didn’t just sell it. We had to build it first.”

“You’re carpenters?” Jackson asked, totally incapable of keeping the surprise out of his tone. The two Littles were actual adults, but neither seemed anywhere near big enough to have wrangled the weight of the huge wooden “X” making up the apparatus.

“Oh, yes. We make all sorts of furniture, but we specialize in custom orders you won’t find in just any furniture store.”

“Like St. Andrew’s crosses I gather?”

“Right, and all sorts of spanking benches, stocks, and items for Littles so they’ll feel little though they’re Big. We can design and build just about anything you can think of. Maxie and I met in high school in wood shop and went together to A&M to study design and engineering. We’ve been happily hammering away ever since.” The pride in his voice was evident as Sammy gave him a big smile. “Surprised?”