“It’s Samuel Court,” the man finally offered as Jackson straightened.

“I think Reckless fits you better,” Jackson retorted as he finally satisfied his itch and slapped his palm across Samuel’s left ass cheek.

Samuel’s body gave a slight lurch but since his cock rose to half-mast, it was evident that the young man wasn’t all that upset.

“I suppose this might look a little… um… reckless,” Samuel admitted before he sucked in a huge breath when the blade slipped under his palm to cut the leather restraint holding his left arm above his head.

Jackson’s chuckle was more of a snort as he moved to the other side of the cross to reach up to the final cuff. “A little? I promise you, Sammy, this moved from a ‘little’ to a ‘hell of a lot’ the moment you allowed Max to string you up without a thought to your safety. When I get my hands on him, that slap I gave you will seem like a love tap to the one I’m gonna place on his ass.” With that, he made a final slice and the man was freed from the cross.

It was all Jackson could do not to laugh when Sammy’s hands immediately dropped to cover his crotch, his mouth forming a large “O” of surprise to find his cock was standing out proudly, now fully erect.

“Don’t look!”

“I’m afraid that ship has sailed, little one,” Jackson said, reaching behind the man to the knot holding the blindfold in place.

“Where’s Max?”

Though still not fond of all the questions, this one was uppermost on his list as well. “I haven’t seen anyone but you,” Jackson said. “I suppose he’s hiding somewhere.”

“No,” Sammy countered, one hand moving from his genitals to rub across his eyes when the blindfold came free. “She wouldn’t leave me alone.”

“She?” Jackson said, attempting to assimilate this unexpected news. “Wait a minute. Are you saying Max is a girl?”

“Of course she is,” Sammy said.

“Is this Max your Mommy, little one?”

Sammy shook his head and finally tilted it back to look up into Jackson’s face. “Wow, you’re really tall aren’t you?”

Jackson quirked an eyebrow, his lips thinning as he pinned the young man’s gaze with a steely one that telegraphed he was done with this particular tête-à-tête.

Sammy evidently got the message. “Um, no, Max… well, it’s really Maxine though I call her Max. Though mostly, I call her Maxie because it’s cuter and—”

Jackson’s growl had Sammy finally answering the question actually asked. “Um, no, I mean, no, Max’s not a Mommy. That reminds me, how did you know I was a Little? I mean, it’s not like I’m wearing short britches or sucking on a binkie or anything.”

When Samuel’s lips twitched, Jackson couldn’t decide if the Little found the concept of a binkie appealing or rather amusing. But some innate sense had him pegging Samuel as a Little from the moment he’d first seen him.

“It’s obvious from every word that comes out of your mouth. Now, back to Max—”

“Oh, right. She’s my partner.”

“I see,” Jackson said, his lips thinning even more if that were possible as his displeasure increased ten-fold. “You might want to rethink her role. Mommy or not, a responsible partner does not leave her Little unattended or—”

“Maxie is a Little too.”

Of course she was.

Two Littles playing unsupervised made sense. Well, at least more than a Dom or Domme leaving a Little alone during a scene did. Jackson filed that information away and picked up from where he’d been cut off. “It’s not polite to interrupt. As I was saying, what would you have done if the cross collapsed and fell with you still attached to it instead of those boards?” He glanced toward the pile, before looking back at Sammy. “Exactly where was Max when the boards fell?”

“I-I don’t know. One minute she was right behind me and the next she wasn’t.” When Sam glanced at the pile, his eyes widened. “Oh no!”

Standing on this side of the pile, what Jackson saw explained Sam’s distress. The tips of a small hand with fingernails painted with pink and purple polka-dots peeked out from the edge of the tarp. “Goddamn it,” Jackson shouted as he dropped to his knees and lifted one corner of the heavy canvas.

Sammy knelt and tugged at the tarp as well until they had it free enough to pull off the pile. “Maxie!” Sammy yelled, reaching toward the form of a young woman who lay prone beneath the tangled mess.

“Don’t!” Jackson shouted, reaching out to grab Sammy’s hands. “Don’t touch her, she might be really hurt. It’s best not to move her until I check her out.”

Everything but the woman’s unconscious form disappeared as Jackson morphed from disciplinarian to caretaker. He and Sammy gently removed the boards that held the woman’s legs beneath them. Jackson muttered soft sounds of soothing reassurances as he ran his hands along the slender limbs, grateful not to encounter any obvious broken bones. The lack of blood also helped lower his blood pressure, but he knew she still wasn’t out of the woods.