Settling into my driver's seat, I tossed my bag into the backseat and then turned the engine over. As I backed out of my spot, I felt a sense of contentment that had everything to do with Stanton. Hopefully that was what I'd needed but denied myself because I hadn't felt worthy of the care a Daddy like Stanton could give me.

Chapter 9


One night while Brian and I had soaked in the bath before bed, he'd mentioned something he'd always wanted to do. I'd asked him to list some silly things that would be on a bucket list— ones he'd never seen coming true—and I made note of each and every one of them. At least once a week I planned a fun activity where we both turned off our phones for the entire evening or day. Like the rage room I'd taken him to because he'd had a bad day and was cranky, so I allowed him to be destructive to get all of it out.

I'd never assumed a man with a baseball bat, sledgehammer, and safety gear could be adorable, but the smile through the clear protective face shield had been so cute. That had gone on a list of things to make him happy when he had a bad day. Which led us to why I'd packed him into my car at six AM when he was still half-asleep and took off for a weekend. I'd been surprised when he'd agreed to take a Friday off without explanation.

He'd told me he wanted to learn to ride a horse. When he was a kid, he'd asked his parents for a pony or at least riding lessons, but they'd brushed him off with a they'd think about it and never mentioned it again. I'd found a dude ranch with private, isolated cabins, and booked it for a weekend, along with a visit to a petting zoo with miniature horses and cows. I couldn't wait to see how his face lit up when we went to the animal sanctuary the next morning.

Him and I had started dating almost four months before. Even though it seemed fast, I'd been dying to confess my feelings and see what he'd think about moving out of his apartment into my home—our home. The unknown had me nauseated because I didn't know if he was ready for a step like discussing living together, but I had to tell him I loved him first.

I'd never said that in a romantic relationship before. Would he think it was too quick? Brian was a cautious man due to his past experiences. I wanted to be understanding but impulse- control issues weren't helping with my patience. My baby was absolutely perfect for me. Everything I'd ever wanted in the person who would become my man—my boy.

For months I'd watched and listened closely—learning everything about him. The way his lashes fell to conceal his beautiful eyes from me when I pinched his chin to get his attention. How his shoulders relaxed when I massaged his scalp as he sat tucked between my legs. Daddy whimpered in shaky a breath when I sank into his tight ass as he dug his short nails into my back. My public displays of affection no longer shocked him and made him tense up.

He'd met all my friends. My mother adored him and told me every time I saw her how much happier I looked since I'd made him mine. I was all in and I wanted him to know that so we could start our lives together. A deep groan came from the passenger seat and I glanced over at him to find his eyes fluttering open. Sleepily he glanced around at the wide-open pastures and groupings of trees.

An hour earlier I'd turned off the highway to take a series of country roads that led to the dude ranch.

"Hey, baby boy, how was your nap?" I asked, as I stretched my arm over the console to rest my hand on his thick thigh. Legs I'd been tucked between only hours earlier when I'd awakened him for some loving.

"Okay, where are we?" He laid his hand over mine and twined our fingers.

"Almost there. You'll find out soon enough." I chuckled as I caught his bratty eye roll and pout. My boy had learned quickly the power he wielded with that damn poking out of his lush bottom lip. "You like surprises."

"I'm hungry." He relented when he knew he wasn't getting what he wanted from me.

"Check your backpack. I put some snacks in there for you. Also a few of those espressos you like."

I had a special bag I packed whenever we went somewhere with snacks and drinks, activities to keep him occupied so he wouldn't get bored. At first, he'd been a little skeptical of what he called my baby boy bag. He hadn't complained about it yet.

"I slept three hours." He shot me a glare.

"I did wake you up two times before our alarm went off. Are you complaining?"

"You know I'm not," he muttered as he dug through his bag to find what he wanted. He pulled out a bag of chips and a soda, and lifted his legs to cross them which made my hand slide to his inner thigh.

"We're about a half hour out, and I already let your executive assistant know that you won't be in Monday so that we don't have to rush back."

"You didn't ask me?"

"No, I didn't, but Sandra told me you had no meetings and anything that you had on your schedule for Monday could be taken care of Tuesday. Besides, I told my mother I was kidnapping you."

"So you made her an accomplice?"

"She loves it."

He had his snack, and we shared a bit of catch-up about our weeks. I'd put in extra hours so that my assistants and other planners were prepared to take on the four events we had going that weekend. By Thursday everyone was ready to see me gone and I'd pouted all the way out of the door, but I couldn't get home quickly enough to meet Brian at my place.

The sign for the ranch came into sight and I waited for him to notice it, as I went from the asphalt to a gravel drive with my baby straightening to look around. He set his soda bottle in the cup holder. Horses ran around the one pasture and cattle were in another.

"You remembered?" The question was low and broke a bit.

"There's nothing I don't remember when it comes to you. You're getting your riding lessons and I booked a private cabin for the entire weekend. Do you know what else I booked for you?"

"N-no, what?"