He knee-walked up my body and I held up my dick by the base, we cursed in unison as the head popped inside. The slide so easy as he took me all the way to the base. He was tight and hot, stretched enough that all I could see on his face was pleasure. And then he threw his head back as he spread his hands on my belly. His thighs shook as he flexed the muscle to lift until only the head remained and took me back inside with an arch of his hips.

His movements were fluid and sexy as he gracefully rode me, clenching on the upward stroke to massage my cock. I ordered him to lift his cock and balls so I could see his body swallowing my dick so easily and fought for control as he jacked the girth of his length, cupped and rolled his sac. Sweat dropped from his body to join the mist that covered my naked skin.

I grabbed his outer thighs to ground myself and then dug my heels into the bed to meet his downward swivels of his hips. The harder I fucked into him the louder his grunts and moans grew. I'd never felt anything as good as my boy fucking his lush, rounded ass onto my cock, taking it like the greedy slut he was and that was only for Daddy. I was the only one who'd make him feel that good.

A flush covered his face, spread over his throat to his chest and our dance turned brutal as we both fought to get off. He almost punished his cock to match our pace. I called his name repeatedly as I tried to control myself, but I was too far gone.

"Goddamn, boy, you know just how to work Daddy's cock," I hissed through clenched teeth as his glassy gaze met mine and I flexed my arms to quicken his speed. I took him harder as my muscles screamed with the exertion. It was perfect and right,

His movements stuttered and I knew he was close. I let go just to enjoy, to find my release. We were both lost in reaching our own ends. My hips arched sharply, ass muscles flexed, and I buried myself all the way in as he shouted, and his release splashed across my belly and chest. I sealed his ass to the cradle of my hips, rutting our bodies together as I shot into the latex barrier. My chest seized as I fought to breathe and all I could hear was my boy screaming Daddy, as the hand not still working his cock grabbed my waist, holding us together as we shook and jerked.

I collapsed and then I had my boy sprawled across my chest, his mouth sightlessly searching for mine. I cupped his ass cheeks and massaged his rim that pulsed around my still- hard cock. He whimpered into our kiss and let out a rough, shuddered chuckle as I kept playing with his pretty hole.

"Next time I'm gonna eat that ass before I fuck it." My cock jerked between us and more wetness joined the mess he'd already made. "Fuck, you made Daddy feel so good."

I knew I'd have to separate from him soon to dispose of the condom, but I wasn't ready yet. It had seemed like a lifetime waiting for him to trust me to love on him. I didn't take that for granted. I promised myself that I'd make sure he never regretted giving himself to me.

"Da-Daddy." He rolled his hips one more time and sunk his teeth into my lower lip.

Without saying a word, I started shallowly fucking into him to hear the breaks in his breathing. He clutched me so tight it almost drove the air from my lungs. My greedy boy wanted more, and whatever my baby wanted, he got.

Chapter 8


The office cleared out an hour earlier and I checked the time to realize I needed to shut down my computer, then head to Stanton's place.

We'd been dating for three months now. He made everything right. Treated me as if I was the most precious thing in his life. A day never went by without him doing a little something for me, usually a surprise present that he'd noticed I'd looked at when we were out, or a special date. The upcoming weekend we were actually going to go away, but he wouldn't tell me where.

I pushed up from behind my desk and packed up what I would need if I had a chance to work. On occasion I worked while sitting on the floor between Stanton's legs as he spoke on the phone with vendors or his employees about an upcoming event. All of it seemed too easy, had from the beginning, but what Stanton and I had was my first relationship where we were public from date one.

He seemed all in for whatever. Stanton made sure that I understood that if I needed him to, he'd back off to give me space. That rarely happened though. The rare nights I didn't spend at his place were lonely and my apartment too quiet. I gathered up the last of my things and headed for the elevator with my only thoughts about getting home to my Daddy.

The thought always brought a smile to my face and made me happy. Daddy always took care of me. That part of him was so ingrained he did it unconsciously. He did everything for me, made my plate, bathed me and sometimes even dressed me for work. When that started, I'd assumed it would wear thin at some point, yet it hadn't. I loved being his entire focus. I loved the fun trips to the park. He'd even taken me to a Rage Room one night after a particularly stressful day at work.

He'd helped me put on coveralls, safety glasses, and face mask, and sent me into the room with a pat on my backside to beat the shit out of things. I hated to admit how much fun I'd had and how free I'd felt just destroying everything I could.

The elevator doors opened, and I froze to find Clora standing there, a smile curved her lips.

"Leaving awful late, Brian."

"I just realized what time it was," I said as I stepped inside. We hadn't interacted since the day she'd shown up in my office and I'd started to wonder if his mother didn't approve of him dating an employee of her company. I turned on my toes and saw she'd hit the button for the parking garage. "You done for the day?"

"Yes, I got stuck on a call with an old, old college friend who's organizing a sorority reunion. I'd rather have my teeth pulled without pain meds with rusty pliers."

I snorted embarrassingly loudly as I glanced at her to find her rolling eyes that perfectly matched her son's. That's when I realized Stanton was a male copy of Clora. "That doesn't sound pleasant."

"I only pledged because it was a family tradition. Besides, I met my husband at a frat party, why would I want to celebrate those horrific years?"

"I take it you weren't a fan of his."

"His dick was pretty much the only thing I miss, and I can get a better model at a sex shop, and not have to hear him sound like he was fighting for his life with his pumps."

"You're, um…" I cleared my throat.

"You're dating my son, so you're family now. Be prepared for mine and his crazy. I raised him. Stanton is the way he is because of me. I'll apologize for that. I should've done that months ago when he told me he was going to seduce the head of my legal department."

"He what?"