We still didn't speak, and as I went to leave, he stepped in my way. "Excuse me."

"Can't even say hi,” he scoffed rudely. “Does your boyfriend know who I am?"

"He does and he asked me if I wanted to leave. You didn't mention I was your ex-husband either."

I wasn't even mad or upset in anyway. Strangely, being alone with him, I didn't feel anything at all. I'd been hopelessly in love with him at some point, of course, but seeing him now, all I could muster was regret. If our marriage had ended sooner, I wouldn't have had my pride and self-confidence shattered when I'd learned I wasn't enough.

"Stanton is waiting for me." I stepped around him and almost expected him to stop me, but he didn't. I'd have dinner and then make an excuse to leave. I didn't want to spend the rest of the evening being stared at—judged—whenever Stanton touched me. Happily, I returned to the table and was content to discover that my ex no longer seemed to have any power to hurt me.

Chapter 7


The water in the large tub was comfortably warm where I had Brian laid back against my chest after our night at the pub. I'd bit my tongue the entire night to not say anything to my baby's ex. Most of the time I rarely held back when something needed saying, but all I'd cared about was making sure Brian had fun with my friends. When we'd said bye, everyone had told me they hoped Brian would continue to settle for my annoying ass.

I wasn't feeling the love.

Once we'd gotten to my place, I'd poured us each a tall glass of wine and led him to my bathroom to take a long bath before we went to bed. He'd seemed surprised when I'd pulled out the bubbles and prepared the tub. Brian shifted as I stroked my fingertips over the adorable curve of his hairy belly to his chest and his hard, pebbled nipples. I brushed my mouth to the side of his neck and felt his pulse jump.

"Other than the ex-husband showing up, did you have fun tonight, baby?"

"Yeah, you have great friends."

"They have their moments, but I did threaten them so they'd behave." I smiled at his deep chuckle. "I was told that I was lucky you were settling for me."

"That was mean," he whispered as he stroked his fingertips on my calves in circles. "Thanks for not making a big deal about Tanner being there."

"He wasn't important. You are. And the fact that he screwed up is just my gain. I should've bought him a drink for fucking up."

He snorted as he hugged my legs.

"If you'd still been married the night of the party my heart would've been broken."

"You make a habit of kissing strangers?"

"Just the ones I find pretty."

He pinched the back of my left thigh roughly.

"Ouch, be nice, baby." I cupped his opposite cheek with my right hand and turned to tilt his head back so I could lower my mouth to his. "I already told you, you were the most beautiful man I'd ever seen. Comforting you was my only intention." I pressed soft kisses to his lips as I spoke and stroked his damp beard. "I was upset that you ran from me because I didn't know if you were okay."

"I'd just gotten the papers that morning… I don't remember if I told you that. It wasn't some big shock or anything, but it felt so much more real seeing the final decree."

"I'm sorry you were hurt."

"It's okay, I’m okay. I mean, we'd been separated a year. The final paperwork was just a formality at that point. But it still hit me like a knife in the heart. And then I had to put on a brave face and go to a work party. All those couples and I wondered what had gone wrong between us. Then, there I am minding my business, hiding and having a cry when here comes some guy in an expensive suit with perfect hair and skin, looking flawless and telling me I should never have a tear in my eyes."

"You shouldn't, well, unless you're the type who cries when happy. I'll allow that." I was content just to lay in a tub of bubbles cuddling my boy to my chest as if we weren't in a rush to do anything or be anywhere. Of course I wanted to love on him, and I longed to find out what it was like to have him come on my dick. Yet I was enjoying just being with him with no urge to get off and send him home. As much as it made me sound like an asshole, I'd never really had anyone I wanted beyond mutual orgasms as a one-night stand or casual situationship.

"Thank you for your permission." My boy’s tone was nothing less than snarky and I loved it.

"Daddy loves to dote on my boy so get used to it."

"Have you had a boy before?" he asked and tried to look away, but I wouldn't let him.

"Honestly, a little Daddy Kink to spice up the bedroom, but no one I wanted as my full-time boy until I met you. Was he your Daddy? Tanner?" I asked but didn't know if I wanted the answer.

"Like you, spiced things up, but our relationship had turned pretty lukewarm the past several years. The divorce was probably long overdue," he answered as I stroked his beard and cheek with my thumb.