Daddy Tate’s head cocked again but he slowly nodded as he realized I was right. “That makes a lot of sense actually. The princes in the stories don’t ever have as much fun as the princesses.”

He was so smart.

“Did I do a good job?” Oops. Not the most grown-up way to ask that question but Daddy Tate didn’t seem to notice.

“You explained it perfectly, thank you.” His legs wiggled mine again as he grinned. “And now you have me very excited to see your dress later. All this talk of princesses makes me think of playing.”

“It does?” My wiggles were back but it was Daddy’s fault, so I wasn’t going to worry too much. “Sometimes people don’t want to play on the first date and that is okay.”

Daddy Tate said he was new to being a Daddy, so that probably meant he hadn’t played in a long time.

Shaking his head, he looked very confident. “I am a play-on-the-first-date type of man because if I want to learn how to be a Daddy, I have to practice.”

He was very smart… and he was going to be a very good Daddy.

I just knew it.

Chapter 4


* * *

It was the most interesting first date I’d ever had but also the cutest.

“I ate your vegetables too, so I think that means I should get the last of the cookies.” Addison gave the takeout box with the remaining cookies a longing look as I set it on the side table by his couch, something that looked like it’d been a small wooden barrel in a former life. “I think that’s a very fair rule.”

“You ate one carrot out of my portion of the salad. That doesn’t count as eating my vegetables.” Especially since he’d left anything in his that he considered squishy.

Addison shrugged, not seeming to be swayed by actual logic. “It still counts. I ate your carrots. They’re not a fruit, are they? That might change things.”

He cocked his head and started pacing around his living room, making a circuit around all the random furniture he seemed to have collected. “I don’t think they’re fruits but that list is surprising sometimes.”

“To the best of my knowledge they are not fruit and one carrot does not count as plural. You had one carrot.” I might’ve been technically winning the argument but he didn’t seem to be willing to acknowledge that.

So was I really winning?

This was starting to feel like a win the battle but lose the war kind of moment.

“It was a big carrot, so it was probably the size of three regular ones.” Addison seemed very sure of himself as he shrugged and threw up his hands, still pacing around the small living room that seemed to be decorated in some kind of fancy country style. “That’s plural.”

His logic was terrible but so compelling I had a feeling he was going to end up with the rest of the cookies. Of course, that had been my plan all along, but he liked to win, so I wasn’t going to point that out.

“That is highly questionable but this might just be an aspect of the Daddy and Little relationship I haven’t read about yet.” That had him sighing as his pace picked up and he started swinging his hands.

“Well, maybe?” He was trying to figure out how to get his way without actually lying and it was fascinating to watch. “Every relationship is different. I know I told you that.”

So that was how he was going to justify getting all the cookies?

“You’re right.” Trying not to smile, I sat down on his couch since it didn’t seem like he was going to invite me to do it.

The ghost of my mother in the back of my head sighed at my terrible manners but I justified it because I was the Daddy and that seemed to mean I was in control of quite a lot about my new relationship. “And you also told me that you were going to show me your dress. I think that is the first step to playtime.”

According to the internet, as a Daddy, getting him ready should’ve been my job but since this was our first date, I wasn’t going to assume that. If I hadn’t even kissed him, I shouldn’t be changing his clothes.


I honestly wasn’t sure but I figured Addison’s rocking would let me know if I’d gotten it wrong, and that seemed to be a good barometer because he froze, not a wiggle in sight.