Page 22 of Undaunted

“Yup, it’s her then,” Quinn says. “It’s all over your face, man. The Horseman’s blushing.”

“Shut up, Loverboy.”

Mark points toward my neck. “Explains the hickey.”

I bring my hand to my neck and both men chuckle.

“Nah, she didn’t leave one,” Mark says, grinning. “You got the invite, right? It’s next week and I expect everyone from the office to be there. The team will be there, too, since they’re back from deployment. They’d love to see you.”

I do want to see the team again. It’ll be nice to reconnect.

“So you bringing her?” Quinn asks. “No pressure, of course.”

I glower at him. “No pressure, my ass.”

“Equus africanus asinus, you mean?” Quinn grins proudly. “Don’t say I’m wrong either, because I looked it up. I can read, remember?”

“Whatever,” I mutter.

“Imagine that. The Horseman, in love.”

“Shut the fuck up,” I mutter as Quinn tosses a ball of rubber bands my way and I catch it before throwing it right back at him. Somewhere in the office, a phone rings.

Mark gets up from the chair. “I’m serious about the barbecue, Trevor. Bring her with you. Charlie and I would love to meet her.”

“Ashton would love to meet her, too,” Quinn says as he throws the rubber band ball back at me.

I catch it with one hand. “No one asked you, man.”

He grins. “Wow, you really like her.”

“Shut up.”

“All right, you two,” Mark says before turning toward Quinn. “I’ll need you to update me on logistics for the Samson op in fifteen minutes. Jackson will be in on the video call.”

“Do you need anything from me?” I ask and Mark shakes his head.

“Stay with the intel. Connect with Ryan if you can. I know he’s not always within range but keep an eye out. We’re so close to getting this target and I don’t want any fuckups,” he says.

“Will do.” With Ryan being embedded with a unit out in the sandbox, it’s made my job easier but it also means he’s in harm’s way. But it’s nothing he’s unfamiliar with. Just as we tell each other in whatever languages we’re in the mood to say that day, “same shit, different day.”

I toss the rubber band ball at Quinn. “Heads up.” He misses catching it, the ball rolling under his desk. As he reaches for the ball under his desk, Mark shakes his head and returns to his office.

“You guys really connected again?” Quinn asks and after a pause, I nod.

No point in avoiding the obvious even if it scares me to death knowing what I have going on with Claudia has an expiration date. One more month and she’ll be heading back to Philly for her hooding ceremony and then to Taos.

“I’m happy for you, man,” Quinn says as I click on the project I’d been working on.

“Thanks. Now stop talking about it or I’ll find something bigger than that thing to throw at you,” I growl. “And you know I never miss.”

Chapter Eight


Once upon a time, I thought I knew what I was doing. I had it all planned out, everything written down on a timeline. I knew every penny spent toward tuition, my room and board, from the first day of PT school to the day I’d walk on stage to receive my hood, take my board exams, and officially start work in my very own physical therapy department.

But as I make my way through the crowded restaurant to meet Gabe, I’m suddenly not so sure anymore. Not once had I planned on adding falling in love to that timeline. I always thought that could wait till later.