Page 37 of Red, White, & You

Of course, my aunt Paula had taken the time to bake for the firefighters.

She had to be one of the kindest, most loving women I had ever known, and just now, she’d done me one of the biggest favors anyone ever had—she’d put my mind at ease.

I smiled. “Let’s do it.”

At a little after one in the morning, Winnie and I finally made it into our bedroom.

I shut the door behind me and leaned against the wood on a heavy sigh. “Thank fuck we survived that Fourth of July disaster.”

Winnie burst into laughter as she started to remove her jeans and shirt. “It was truly touch and go there for a while.”

“I don’t know how Jude and Thatch didn’t fucking kill themselves on that goddamn canoe, but somehow, they came out unscathed.” I pushed off the door and headed toward my side of the bed.

“You know, Thatch did say this would be the most memorable Fourth of July we ever had…”

I shook my head on sharp chuckle. “For the rest of my life, I will never allow you or Lexi or myself in the same vicinity of Thatch or Jude when fireworks are involved.”

“That’s probably a good plan.” Winnie grinned and tossed her nightgown over her head. “But, you know, this isn’t the first time I’ve heard you declare something like this about Thatch, and it never seems to fully stick.”

“That’s because he does shit like invite himself on our vacations.”

“So, what you’re saying is that we can’t escape him?”

“Shit, Win. There’s no need to get all doomsday about it.”

She giggled and climbed into bed while I slid off my jeans and shirt.

Though, I didn’t miss the way my wife’s gaze moved down my bare skin.

“You enjoying the view, Fred?” I asked and flashed a wink at her. “Because I have no qualms about removing these boxers and filling you up with my cock.”

But my words didn’t have their intended effect.

Instead of flushed cheeks and flirty giggles, I got her serious eyes and a slightly curved-down mouth.

“You okay, babe?” I asked and she nodded, but then, she shook her head. “What’s wrong?”

“I guess you could say there’s something I need to get off my chest.” Winnie let out a big sigh and patted the spot beside her on the bed. “Sit with me?”

I didn’t hesitate to sit beside her, taking both of her hands into mine and giving her my full attention. But before she could open her mouth to explain, I added, “Just know, that whatever is on your mind, whatever is bothering you, we’ll get through it.”

She grimaced. “You should probably hold that thought until after I tell you.”

Her words were not reassuring in the least, but I refused to let my own emotions get in the way of her telling me something that was affecting her this much. So, I just nodded and waited patiently for her to explain whatever it was that was on her mind.

“I’m not totally sure about this…but…” She paused, swallowed hard, and stared down at our joined hands. “I don’t think I can have any more kids.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, we’ve gone a year without using protection, and I’ve yet to get pregnant,” she answered, and her bottom lip quivered a little. “I even took a test the day before we came to the lake house, and it was negative.”

The day before we came to the lake house?I replayed the past week’s events in my head, and I had a feeling I knew exactly when that test had occurred.

“Did you happen to take this when I was busy at BAD?”

She nodded, and one tear slipped down her cheek.

Fuck.I hated that my wife was sad, but I really hated that she had been dealing with this on her own.