Page 32 of Red, White, & You

“To protect your ears from all the noise.”

“Should we be worried right now?” Aunt Paula questioned, glancing around at all the kids with their new headphones in place. “We’re going to live through this, right?”

Thatch smirked. “Paula, the only thing you need to do right now is get ready to see the best fluffing fireworks show you’ve ever witnessed.”

“That’s right, Aunt Paula,” Jude added with the kind of mischievous smirk that made me question if we should watch the show from inside the house instead of on the deck. “You’re going to be happy you ended your Caribbean trip early.”

“Now, if you beautiful ladies don’t mind, we have to go get dressed so we can get this show on the road.”

“Get dressed?” Cassie questioned. “You’re already dressed.”

“Honey, do you really think these clothes are going to cut it?” Thatch retorted on a scoff and glanced down at the white T-shirt, khaki shorts, and sandals on his body. “It’s the Fourth of fluffing July.”

“Don’t tell me you brought that god-awful eagle shirt with you.” Cassie stared at her husband, while Ace bounced in her lap and babbled, “Boom! Boom!”

“That’s right, Acer,” Thatch mused, completely ignoring his wife’s comment. “Da-da is about to show you one awesome fluffing boom.”

“Boom! Boom!” Ace clapped his hands.

“Am I the only one who feels really nervous about this?” Georgia whispered to all of us after Jude and Thatch walked off the deck and toward the front of the house.

“Nope.” I shook my head on a laugh and looked at Cassie. “Your husband isn’t going to, like, light the lawn on fire, right?”

“This is Thatch we’re talking about. Anything is possible.”

“Cassie! You’re not making me feel any better!” Georgia exclaimed so loud that if it weren’t for the noise-canceling headphones on little Julia’s head, the sleeping baby in her arms would’ve been woken up with quite the start.

Cassie shrugged. “Good thing I wasn’t trying to make you feel better, then.”

“Oh my God.” Georgia sighed and held Julia closer to her chest. “Should we go inside? I feel like we should go inside before shit hits the fan. Let’s—”

“Hit it!” Jude shouted from somewhere behind us, and the opening sounds of theRockytheme song started to blare from Remy’s Jeep speakers.

And a few seconds later, Thatch and Jude came running out in front of the deck with American flags streaming over their shoulders like capes.

“Fluffing hell,” Cassie muttered. “I knew that big bastard was going to put that stupid shirt on.”

The stupid shirt she referred to was a tight-as-hell tank top that showcased all her husband’s big muscles, and on the front of it, sat a bald eagle in aviators with his wings crossed in front of him and the word’MERICAwritten in big, bold letters.

My brother Jude was no better, though. He also sported a tank top, but instead of an eagle, it was Willie Nelson in aviators with the wordsI’M FEELIN’ WILLIE PATRIOTICacross his chest.

Oh boy.

“Freedom, baby!” Thatch bellowed at the top of his lungs, and when the music switched over to AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck,” both he and Jude lit two handfuls of sparklers and ran down the dock, their American flags blowing in the wind behind them.

“So…Paula, if my husband sets your lawn on fire, please don’t ban me and Ace from your awesome lake house!” Cassie shouted over the music, and my aunt had to force a smile to her lips.

“Of course, sweetheart,” she reassured, but there was a nervous titter to her throat as she looked toward the dock with wide eyes. “I guess it’s a good thing Brad is down there. I mean, he’ll make sure the boys don’t set our dock on fire, right?”

I snorted. “Let’s hope someone down there knows what they’re doing.”

When Bruce Springsteen started singing about being born in the USA, Jude shouted, “Let’s go!” at the top of his lungs, and his voice echoed off the water.

About ten seconds later, the first round of fireworks went off with a loud, thunderous bang. Off the dock and up into the sky, they colored the night in reds and whites and blues.

Lexi stood up and cheered.

“Boo-mmm! Booooo-mmmm!” Ace squealed and clapped his hands.