Page 27 of Red, White, & You

“I’m your only sister.”

He flashed a wink in my direction. “Doesn’t change the fact that you’re my fave.”

By the time I’d managed to plate Jude’s and Remy’s breakfast, Flynn and Ty had made their way into the kitchen.

Though, Flynn, the oldest right behind Remy, didn’t hesitate to step up to the counter and help me get everyone’s breakfast reheated in the microwave. Which was to be expected. He’d always been the most responsible, the sweetest, and quietest out of my brothers.

Ty, on the other hand, was more like Jude than anyone else. He sat down and waited for me to hand him his plate of food.

“You know, I’m going to feel really bad about whatever women end up marrying you two,” I said as I slid plates of pancakes and bacon toward all four of my brothers.

Jude laughed.

Ty tilted his head to the side. “What’s that supposed to mean? What did I do?”

“It means the both of you are nothing but trouble.”

“Well,” Jude commented around his first bite of food, “I guess it’s a good thing that I’m never getting married, then.”

I scrunched up my nose. “Why do you say that?”

“Because I’m just not the commitment type.”

“That’s because you’re not even trying to have a relationship with someone. I mean, you can hardly stick to one woman for more than a few weeks.”

“Love just isn’t for me, Win.”

A shocked laugh jumped from my throat. “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard anyone say.”

“Why is that ridiculous?” Ty asked.

“Because most people reach a point in their lives when they want love. It’s a human need.”

“Not sure if you’ve noticed, Win,” Remy chimed in, “but the Winslows don’t exactly have good luck with shit like marriage and love.”

My eldest brother’s words took me back a step. “What are you talking about? I’m married. I’m in love.”

“Yeah, but look what happened to Mom,” he responded with a knowing raise of his eyebrow. “Dad just up and left her with five fucking kids.”

“Aunt Paula and Uncle Brad,” I challenged. “They’ve been happily married since before you were born.”

“They’re an exception.”

“Okay, if they’re an exception, then what am I?” I placed a defiant hand to my hip, and Rem just grinned.

“Another lucky exception,” he answered. “Although, you didn’t exactly have an easy start either, if you know what I mean. Nick put you through hell.”

“Yeah, but if I’d given up after dealing with Nick’s bullshit, I never would’ve met Wes.”

But when no one responded, I looked around the room at all four of my brothers, and I was downright stunned to find that all of them appeared to agree.

But not with me. WithRemy.

A humorless laugh popped from my lungs. “Wait…all four of you assholes believe this crap?”

Flynn shrugged. “Well, sis, I’m forty, and I’m still single. And Rem is forty-two and still…single.”

“I’m thirty-eight,” Ty added with a knowing grin. “Still single.”