Page 9 of Red, White, & You

“Little Lex is here too?” Ty questioned hopefully, but my wife wasn’t having any of it.

“Seriously?” she asked with a flick to the back of Ty’s ear that made him wince. “Where else would she be? Why are you here?”

Jude grinned. “We were tired of sweating our balls off in New York, and Uncle Brad said we could come.”

Winnie narrowed her eyes. “But Uncle Brad said Wes andIcould have the lake house for the week.”

Ty shrugged. “He told us the same thing.”

“Uncle Brad double-booked us?” Winnie breathed, her sweet voice quivering with an edge of unexpected betrayal. I had to admit, if she weren’t upset and my cock weren’t still hard, I’d probably have found this all a little more amusing.

“I guess it’s a good thing there’s more than enough guest rooms for everyone, huh, little sis?” Ty responded, nonplussed.

“What do you meaneveryone?”

“Remy and Flynn aren’t too far behind. Should be here in about twenty or thirty minutes.”

“What?”My wife tossed both hands up in the air. “All four of you obnoxious heathens are going to be here?”

“Aw, c’mon, sis. You wound me.” Jude feigned discomfort by putting a hand to his chest.

“Obnoxious heathens?”Ty repeated with an amused smirk. “I mean, really? Is that how you want to greet your favorite brothers?”

Winnie nearly growled, and I almost laughed at how fucking adorable she was when anger took over.Almost. A year of marriage had taught me a small lesson in self-preservation. Sometimes, it’s just best not to poke your wife when she’s already angry. Instead, I angled toward consolation.

“Baby, it’s all good.” I stepped forward to wrap my arms around her chest to defuse the situation. “The lake house has plenty of bedrooms for everyone. We’ll still have a relaxing vacation away from the city, and I’m sure Lex is going to be pretty damn excited that her uncles will be here, too.”

Jude nodded, puffing out his chest with pride. “I think we all know Lex will be most excited that Uncle Jude is here.”

Ty scoffed and elbowed his brother in the gut. “Yeah, right. She loves Uncle Ty best.”

“Actually, you’re both wrong,” Winnie chimed in, and I was happy to feel a laugh vibrate her chest. “Uncle Remy is her favorite.”

My wife wasn’t lying. Remy was the eldest Winslow sibling of the bunch, and he was, hands down, Lex’s favorite. He also was the brother who had given me the hardest fucking time at the beginning of our relationship.

Thankfully, once Win and I got married and he realized I’d do anything for his sister, he dropped the hard-ass act and grew to be someone I actually enjoyed hanging out with.

“Bullshit,” Ty muttered, and Jude shook his head.

“Definite bullshit.”

“Well, how about this?” I offered. “Since it’s fucking midnight, let’s all get some sleep and settle this debate tomorrow morning when you two can just ask her yourselves.”

Winnie looked up at me with a secret smile.

Yeah. We both knew. Our daughter was not the type to beat around the bush. Her highly intelligent mind only spoke truths. Truths that were very concrete in nature and almost never came with sugarcoating.

“Wait…you two are going back to bed?” Jude questioned. “But I brought some beers to enjoy on the deck.”

Winnie was already turning out of my arms and heading back to our room. “Have fun with that,” she called over her shoulder, and I didn’t hesitate to follow her lead.

It’s not that I didn’t like the idea of knocking back a couple beers with her brothers, but I liked Winnie better.

With her brothers on the deck, hot-sex-with-Winnie round two 2.0 was in full swing.

As I flipped a pancake in the skillet, my aunt and uncle’s kitchen brimmed with chatter around me. Lex and my four brothers—Remy, Flynn, Ty, and Jude—sat around the table laughing and cutting up while Wes and I finished getting breakfast ready.

I was a bit peeved last night when Jude and Ty showed up unexpectedly, but I couldn’t deny that it was nice having all my siblings here for the week. No doubt, it would’ve also been nice to relax at the lake house with just my husband and daughter, but I’ve always been a strong proponent for trying to make the best of things.