Page 23 of Red, White, & You

And then, there they all were—all four of my brothers, my handsome husband, Thatch, and Kline.

Though, Thatch had a gold crown on his head, and my brother Jude had a sash over his chest that readProm Prince.

“Does that sayProm Prince?” I asked, prompting a grin from the youngest brother in the Winslow brood.

“Tonight, sis, you are in the presence of royalty. Greenwood High’s Prom King and Prince are officially in the house.”

“That’s right,” Thatch announced and bowed toward us. “The two of us took Greenwood High’s reunion by storm.”

“Reunion?” Georgia inquired, scrunching up her nose in confusion. “What on earth are you talking about?”

I, however, knew exactly where to look.

Holy hell, Kris Jenner works hard, but Cassie Kelly worked harder.

“Did you send our husbands and my brothers to a high school reunion?”

She winked. “Sure did.”

I looked back over at the guys, and that was when I noticed the name tags on their chests. I lasered in on Wes’s, and it read “Kurt Owens.”

“I am proud to announce that I, Dirk Michaels,” Thatch proclaimed with a huge smile, “was crowned Prom King at Greenwood High’s twenty-year reunion.”

“Who’d you pay off, Thatcher?” Cassie questioned, and he winked.

“Crazy, I didn’t pay anyone off.”


“He’s actually speaking the truth,” Flynn answered on a chuckle. “The man worked the room like he actually went to Greenwood High. And, oddly enough, everyone apparently believed him.”

“There was also some sympathy involved because of his five-year battle with syphilis,” Wes commented, and Thatch turned to face him with narrowed eyes.

“What? You told my classmates I had the clap?”

“First of all, they weren’t your classmates,” Wes corrected. “And secondly, no, we didn’t tell them you had the clap because that’s chlamydia. But wedidtell them about the tragedy and medical bills that have stacked up against you since a rare form of super syphilis took one of your testicles.”

“Yeah,” Kline added on a chuckle. “I honestly think that woman Carrie with the bright-red hair felt so bad she’s going to start a GoFundMe on Dirk’s behalf.”

“Carrie Collins,” Thatch said and smacked his lips together. “What a gal. One of my faves from back in the day.”

“Dude, you didn’t even go there,” Ty chimed in on a laugh, his imitation ofMean Girlsmaking me smile.

“You know,” Thatch continued, completely ignoring everyone else. “My only disappointment is that ole Dirk didn’t live up to his full potential in high school. I mean, everyone was a little too surprised at how well he was doing now. It’s like Dirk was a total slacker or some shit, which was highly disappointing. Though, the ladies were loving them some twenty-years-later Dirk. No doubt, they were super pissed they passed him up back in the day.”

“You do realize you’re not Dirk, right, numbnuts?” Cassie questioned.

“Aw, don’t be mad, Crazy.”

She huffed out a sigh and crossed her arms below her boobs. “I’m not mad.”

“You’re so mad,” he teased. “And I get it. I’d be mad too if my prank didn’t work. Probably be even madder to find out that not only is my husband the Prom King, but he’s still the reigning Prank Master.”

Immediately, Cassie pointed an imperious index finger in her husband’s direction. “You speak blasphemous shit like that again, and I’ll shove that crown straight up your asshole.”

“Crazy, you gotta wait to get into the kinky shit until we’re in the bedroom.” Thatch strode toward his wife, and between one blink and the next, she was off the couch and over his shoulder.

“Fluffing hell, T. Put me down!” Cassie complained, but her husband wasn’t having any of it.