Page 16 of Red, White, & You

Truthfully, I was always astonished by how good Remy was with kids. He was so rough around the edges, so hardened by life. But when he looked into the eyes of sweet innocence—even innocence that was tarnished by crazy parents in the hell-raiser currently shoving discarded playing cards in his mouth—he was almost always patient and kind.

“Yes, Thatcher,” Cassie retorted. “Iamtrying to get rid of you. You’re driving me crazy, and because of you, our son won’t stop cursing.”

Thatch laughed, placed his hands on his wife’s ass, and yanked her toward him. “You’ll never get rid of me, Crazy. I’m yours forever.”

Cassie snorted, but also, leaned in to kiss her husband in a way that involved tongue.

It was more than apparent that her prior words were more idle threats than anything else, but that was nothing new. The back-and-forth, the bickering—it was all a part of their banter. I couldn’t imagine living like that without a severe case of constant indigestion, but for them, it kept the spice alive.

“Gross. Get a flipping room,” Georgia muttered as she walked back inside the house, Kline following dutifully behind her with a sleeping Julia in his arms.

Cassie laughed and turned to her best friend, teasing, “Aw, don’t be jealous, Wheorgie. C’mon over here, and I’ll give you some sugar, too.”

“You’re insane.” Georgia grimaced and hid behind her husband.

“All right, we need to get a plan together,” Winnie stated and stood up from her spot on the couch. “What’s the agenda for today?”

“Boat!” Jude cheered.

“Kick the guys out of the house!” Cassie added.

Winnie’s face turned slightly annoyed, and I walked over to her and wrapped one arm around her shoulders, tucking her close to my side. “How about a compromise? Everyone spends the afternoon together on the boat, and tonight, the men will leave the lake house to you ladies and go watch the Marullo-Lackey fight at a bar.”

“Oh, hell yes!” Ty agreed. “I forgot that fight was on tonight.”

“I’ve got two hundred bucks that says Marullo is going to own Lackey’s ass,” Jude commented, and Winnie glared at him.

“Seriously, Jude? Can you go ten minutes without bad language? Or trying to make a flipping bet?”

“I’m trying, sis. But like Lexi said, my highly intelligent brain basically has to use bad language. It’s a genius thing you wouldn’t understand.” Jude shrugged and waggled his brows. “And I only make bets I know I can win.”

“Did you hear that, Cassie?” Thatch announced. “Cursing means you’re a genius.”

“Shut up, T.”

“What do you say, baby?” I squeezed Winnie’s shoulder. “We spend the afternoon on the boat, and tonight, you ladies can get some alone time without us men?”

Winnie grinned up at me and then looked at Georgia and Cassie. “You ladies good with that?”

“If there’s wine, I’m in,” Cassie stated, and Georgia agreed.


“All right,” I announced. “Let’s get this show on the road. The boat will be leaving the dock in twenty minutes. Everyone but Thatch is invited.”

Remy smirked. “And Jude.”

Thatch laughed. “Fluff you guys. I’m coming.”

“Damn straight,” Jude agreed. “I’m coming too.”

Both Remy and I shared a discreet smile, and instantly, I knew he was thinking what I was thinking. If we found an opportunity to leave Thatch and Jude on the dock, we were going to fucking take it.

Even if it was just as a joke.

For a few minutes—or you know, hours—and then we’d come back and get them…eventually.

After a busy, fun day filled with boating and swimming in the lake, we ladies officially had the whole house to ourselves, and the men were out at a local bar watching some fight on pay-per-view.