Page 14 of Red, White, & You

To be honest, despite her early morning grumbling, this was the most relaxed and carefree I’d seen my wife in months. The stress from work, the fact that we had been trying but not really trying to have a baby since we got married but had only gotten negative pregnancy tests up until this point, and the ongoing power outages we’d been experiencing before coming here had really started to drag her down. She always tried to put on a happy face, even when I begged her not to, but her true brightness was just too light to be faked. I could tell the difference as easily as I could between the colors black and white.

But here, right now, she just looked content. Calm. And it was a real fucking joy to witness.

One index finger pointed in my direction, Winnie added, “Don’t tell anyone, or else.”

“Or else what?”

“Or else I’m shutting off the tap for the rest of the week.”

I chuckled at that and stepped forward to pull my gorgeous wife off her stool and up and into my arms. “Don’t even try it, Mrs. Lancaster,” I whispered just below the shell of her ear. “Enjoying that delicious pussy of yours is about the only thing helping me stay sane inside this lake house with Thatch and Jude.”

No doubt, those two were the wildest bastards here. Although Ty and Remy could sometimes come in a close second. Frankly, Flynn and Kline were the only men here who didn’t drive me or anyone else fucking crazy.

When I took a discreet taste of her neck with my tongue, she giggled some more, and I had the urge to drag her back into the bedroom and have my wicked way with her. But it was too early, and everyone in this house was nosy as fuck. If we tried anything now, there’d probably be half a dozen people with kitchen glasses pressed up to our door.

“Oh, what I’d do to be able to take you right here,” I whispered hotly into her ear. “I’d lay you down on this island, spread those gorgeous fucking legs wide, and push my cock so deep inside you, you wouldn’t know where I ended and you began.”

“Wes.”A tiny little moan escaped her lips.

I pushed myself against her so she couldfeelthat I meant every word.

“Stop it,” she whispered back through a snort. “You’re making me horny, and I can’t be horny right now because this lake house is filled with people I no longer want here. Well, besides Lexi, Ace, and Julia. They’re too cute to deny.”

I grinned down at her and reached up to tuck a strand of blond hair behind her ear. “I guess we’ll have to shelve this conversation until…tonight. When I finally have you alone again.”

“I can’t wait.” My beautiful wife stepped up onto the tips of her toes to press a kiss to the corner of my mouth. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go say good morning to our daughter.”

I watched as Winnie headed into the living room to sit beside Lexi, who was currently busy watching something on her iPad. For all I knew, she was learning quantum physics or in the middle of brokering a peace deal for the Middle East.

Lexi smiled up at her mom, and just the vision of the two of them, my wife and my daughter, cuddled up together on the couch hit me straight in the chest.

Fuck, I’m one lucky bastard.

I grabbed my cup of coffee and walked over to the large windows that looked out toward the deck.

Kline and Georgia were sitting outside together, him with his arm around his wife, and Georgia breastfeeding baby Julia. In the distance, I could make out Thatch’s big-ass body with his toddler sitting on his shoulders, holding Cassie’s hand as they walked along the dock.

“You do this every fucking time, Jude!” Ty bellowed, and I glanced over my shoulder to see him tossing his cards onto the table facedown.“Fuck.”

Winnie’s brothers were still busy with their game of Texas Hold’em, which for the last thirty minutes or so had revolved around arguments where Ty was most vocal of them all.

“What?” Jude questioned with a little smirk. “I’m allowed to go all in. That’s not against the rules, bro.”

Remy chuckled. “But you go all in with every hand,bro. It gets old after a while.”

“Maybe my cards are just that good, though?”

“Or maybe you suck at Hold’em, and it’s the only strategy your tiny fucking brain can manage,” Ty grumbled.

Jude just laughed it off—his uncanny ability to not take things personally was actually remarkable—and Ty hopped out of his chair to walk into the kitchen.

“Where are you going?” Flynn asked with a smirk.

“I’m done playing with you assholes!” Ty retorted over his shoulder as he poured himself a fresh cup of coffee. “I’m ready to do something else.”

“We should take Uncle Brad’s boat out,” Remy suggested, and I met his eyes.

“I like that plan.”