Page 71 of Not In The Proposal

What the hell hadwedone?

Knock knock.

“Reid?” Mia called out carefully, her knocks soft. “Are- are you okay?”

My head whipped back around to the mirror above the basin and I was decidedly not okay.

“Yeah, just a sec,” I called back. I quickly rinsed my face, wishing I had my toothbrush, before running damp fingers through my sandy, knotted hair.

I was still naked, and given the circumstances, I couldn’t help but grab one of the thick white robes hanging on the back of the bathroom door. I quickly swung it on and tied it before unlocking the door.

“Hey,” I said, forcing a smile.

Mia’s face dropped, and she took a step back. “I ordered coffee,” she said, the air between us growing thick with tension.

And I knew it was me, because the moment I’d opened the bathroom door, Mia’s smile damn near blinded me, and my awkward greeting had been enough to wipe it clean off her face.

“Thanks,” I said, my eyes darting to every corner of the room to avoid her gaze.

Because I didn’t know what this meant for us.

I didn’t know what to do with myself; whether I should politely excuse myself or grow a pair of tits and face it head on.

But Mia beat me to it, her smile gentle and just a little sad.

“About last night,” she started, and those few words blew open a floodgate inside me.

“I’m really sorry for stepping over the line,” I said, lying I guess, because Iwasn’tsorry.

I was confused.

“Oh,” was all she said. She glanced down in thought, chewing on the inside of her bottom lip. “You don’t have anything to be sorry about.”

“What do you mean?”

She lifted her head, a wider, emptier smile on her face. “I’m guessing you’re a little freaked out because we blurred, like,allthe lines by sleeping together,” she said, and all I could do was nod. “And you don’t know how that’s going to affect our professional relationship moving forward.”

I lifted a shoulder in assent because, honestly, I had no idea what to say. My throat shriveled up under the defeat lining her dark gaze, and try as I might, my tongue wouldn’t unlatch itself from the roof of my mouth.

“Well, you know,” she said, walking into the small living room just outside the bedroom.

I followed on instinct, as if pulled along by some invisible little strings.

She jumped up onto one of the bar stools and I lingered at the threshold of the bedroom door, anxiously picking at the skin around my nails.

“What happened last night between us,” she began, smoothing out the fabric of her T-shirt. I hadn’t even realized she’d gotten dressed, so wholly wrapped up in my own mind that I’d forgotten I’d left her naked in bed. “It doesn’t have to change anything.”

“How can you be so sure?” I asked, a little breathless and entirely disbelieving. I wasn’t sure how she could even look at me after what I’d done.

“Because it doesn’t have to mean anything if you don’t want it to.” She shrugged.

Every thought racing through my head winked out at her words, and I stared at her for far too long. “What does that mean?”

She shrugged again, and the more she shrugged, the more she acted like it reallyhadn’tmeant anything, the hotter my gut burned.

“Come on, Reid,” she scoffed, glancing away and tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “We’re both adults. We were both really tired and emotions were running high. Our bodies were just reacting to the adrenalin of our night out.”

“Right,” I said slowly, my brows bunching together in confusion. “I guess it doesn’t have to mean anything.”