Page 49 of Not In The Proposal

Or something, yeah.

The morning passed in a flurry, and any time I spent with Reid swirled to the back of my mind. Lunch time rolled around sooner than I’d expected and I dashed back up to the office, beating Reid by mere seconds.

“Ready to go?”

“Yeah,” I said, just a little out of breath.

We walked out together, waving at Clara who’d just returned from her lunch break.

The trip to the restaurant was short, and as silent as our last few trips had been.

I followed Reid into the restaurant, the anxiety prickling through my fingers.

“How was your morning?” Reid asked as we took our seats.

“I’ve had better,” I admitted, deciding against hiding the truth when it would only do more harm than good.

“DId something happen?”

“I’ve just felt… estranged lately,” I sighed. “I don’t know if that’s the right word. I feel like, ever since your mother came to stay, things between us have been strained.”

“I agree,” Reid said a little sheepishly. “And I know I haven’t exactly made it easier for you, especially when we’re kind of forced to be in each other’s faces for the sake of the ruse.”

“It’s not a huge deal or anything,” I said quickly, waving my hands in front of me. I didn’t want her to think that I was complaining or bitching about her mother. “I just miss the way we work together. Work has been hell.”

“Yeah it’s been pretty shitty, right?” Reid chuckled, scrunching her nose up a little. It was cute. “I think I might know what started all of this off.”

“What do you mean?”

“I kind of snapped at you the day my mom and my ex arrived,” she said with a frown. “And it wasn’t directed at you, nor did you deserve it, and I’m sorry.”

I blinked. Thathadbeen what initially made me draw back, figuratively speaking. Her sudden ire had surprised me and I immediately withdrew.

Like I usually did.

“Thank you for saying that,” I murmured, absently pushing the menu back and forth on the table between us. “I appreciate it.”

Reid flashed me a smile and I took a deep breath.

“I’m sorry if the way I pulled back gave you second thoughts about helping me,” I said, the words coming out in a single, rushed breath.

In truth, I was still worried that she’d magically come to her senses and see that helping me was far too much trouble. That if we were caught, she had so much to lose.

I wasn’t worth it.

“Second thoughts?” Reid gaped. “After you basically set up our entire show at that last convention? Are you kidding?”


“You’re doing that thing again,” I told her, my eyes fixed on hers.

“What thing?”

“The one where you over-exaggerate my abilities.”

“Whatever,” she scoffed, brushing my comment aside. “We’re friends, aren’t we? And I’d always help a friend who needed it.”

Friends… Right.