Page 41 of Not In The Proposal

He turned to me with a bright smile.

“Ms. Reid Voss,” he called out, turning back to the crowd, “who works with differently abled people within our massive community, is here today to showcase her latest game. A game, you must know, that she helped bring to life. Ms. Voss, for your continued work within our industry and with those whose voices are often silenced, we’re proud to award you the Pioneer of the Year!”

The crown erupted into applause, hopping to their feet to cheer as I stood up. I nodded in thanks, and accepted the glass trophy that weighed half a ton.

A microphone found its way into my hand and I cleared my throat. “Uh, thank you,” I said with a smile. “But I can’t accept this all alone. The original mastermind behind this game worked her ass off to get it where it is today, and I’d like to accept this on her behalf while she continues to change lives through her own foundation. Thank you!”

We were ushered off stage as the panel closed and I looked up to find Mia waiting for me.

“Congratulations, Ms. Pioneer of the Year,” she teased with an impressed smirk. “Can’t say I’m surprised, though.”

“Yeah?” I chuckled, walking next to her as we exited into the main arena. “Why not? I’m not the one who designs the games.”

“No, but you have an eye for the ones that’ll make the biggest mark.” She shrugged. “And you support the people who really need it.”

“Ah, stop, you’re embarrassing me.”

Mia rolled her eyes and otherwise ignored me. “The convention is beginning to wrap up,” she noted, watching as the initially energetic crowd slowly dwindled, their energy sapped after an eventful day. “Should we head out as well?”

“I think I’d like to go for a drink first,” I said. “Care to join a pioneer?”

Mia rolled her eyes again but chuckled. “Yeah, let’s go.” She chuckled. “I need to change my shoes, though; my feet are killing me.”

“Cheers,” I said, lifting my glass to clink against Mia’s.

“To the Pioneer of the Year.” She giggled, taking a sip of her colorful cocktail.

“Yeah, yeah.” I chuckled. “So, tell me about your panel. How did the showcase go?”

“Mm!” She swallowed the sip and set her glass down, her eyes bright. “It was incredible! We got over five thousand sign ons after the first battle. I don’t think I’ve ever seen people so genuinely enthralled.”

“Did you have fun?” I asked, that sense of wonder crawling through my veins again.

“It was amazing,” she gushed. “And Clara only had two meltdowns, so I’d say it was definitely a win.”

“I would agree.” I smiled.

Anything Mia touched turned to a win.

Chapter 13

An Unwelcome Guest


IwanderedaroundReid’smassive house, my bare feet near silent on the tiles. Yet another week had passed and I still found myself running into walls where I expected doors. With a quiet sigh at my own lack of general direction, I unlocked my phone and called Reid.


“Still haven’t made it downstairs?” she teased.

“No, I’m calling you from inside the pantry,” I deadpanned, leaning against a nearby wall. “Please just tell me which of these stupid halls leads me down to the kitchen? I’m starving.”

Reid’s chuckle echoed down the line. “Where are you right now?”

“Uh, the second floor, and there’s a window,” I answered, peering through it and into the rolling gardens. “I think the rose garden is out there?”

“Then there’s a hallway to your left that leads to stairs.”