Page 24 of Not In The Proposal

“Bathrooms?” I repeated, emphasizing the ‘s’.

“There was all this space so one is a shower and the other has a pool.”

“A p- apool?”

I marched over to one of the doors and wrenched it open, my eyes nearly bugging out of my head. Indeed, there was a tub the size of a pool that dominated the bathroom, complete with a fucking diving board.

“This is a joke, right?”

I heard her chuckle and turned to face her.

“When I had it installed I asked them to add the diving board because I thought it was funny.”

I slowly shut the door, trying to process what I’d seen without my head exploding. “Do you have a map of your house?”

“There’s a reason you have two bathrooms here and another just down this hall,” she teased, but I glared at her.

Reid laughed out loud and walked to the wall near the bed. With a wave of her hand, a screen slid out of an invisible panel and lit up. “This will tell you where the main rooms are,” she explained, punching in a code. “Kitchen, living room, den, my office, the drill, you know? But if you get lost, just call me.”

“I’m assuming you mean telephonically because this house is too damn big to shout for you,” I deadpanned.

Reid only laughed, leaving me to unpack and settle into what would be my new life for the next year.

Chapter 8

Existing in Your Space



Everything about it was a brand new experience that sat fresh in my mind.

“Good morning,” I said, catching Mia walking down the stairs that led to the kitchen.

She swallowed a yawn behind her hand and waved. “Morning,” she mumbled. “Are you always up this early?”

I glanced down at my watch. “It’s only six-thirty,” I said.

“It’s the ass crack of dawn,” she muttered, shuffling toward the refrigerator. She opened the door and fished around for something before emerging with the milk. “I’d still be in bed if I could.”

I chuckled and took a sip of my coffee. “How the hell do you make it to the office as early as you do then?”

Her body locked up and she slowly turned to face me, realization washing over her expression. “Shit,” she muttered. “I forgot I was staying here.”

“Okay?” I laughed, absently stirring my coffee.

“My apartment is pretty close to the office so I usually sleep in as much as I can,” she said sheepishly, setting the carton of milk down on the center island. “Although I shouldn’t be telling you that.”

“It’s fine,” I told her. “It’s not like I’m going to fire you or anything.”

She cringed a little and walked over to the other counter to make herself coffee.

“Did you sleep okay?” I asked, unable to keep myself from asking even if it ventured too far into personal territory.

“On that bed?” She laughed. “I can’t imagine not being able to sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.”

“That’s a good thing, I hope,” I hummed. She turned around with her coffee and rolled her eyes at me.