Page 14 of Not In The Proposal

“Right, yeah,” I muttered, momentarily distracted by the sudden cool air on my palm. I flexed my fingers and followed Mia out, paying no attention to the tired faces that likely mirrored ours.

It seemed I had some changes to make.

Chapter 5

Various Schemes A-Foot


“Ican’tbelievethatjackass!” Reid seethed. “How dare he be so rude and such an absolute fuc-”

“Most immigration officials are like that,” I told her, my own thoughts still distracted. We descended the steps and joined the bustling sidewalk. “They’re not paid to take people’s personal lives into consideration.”

“But they sure as shit could be a little nicer to the people who have to sit there for hours stressed out of their minds!”

“I know, I know,” I assured her, steering her down the sidewalk. “But I guess everyone has kind of gotten used to it. Kinda like going to the DMV.”

“My last impression of the DMV happened over two decades ago,” she intoned and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at her.

The hilarity of the situation aside, and I used ‘hilarity’ loosely, I was more than a little relieved that it was Reid absolutely seething beside me as we walked away from the offices.

“You should visit it again some time,” I teased, easily slipping into the comfort that existed between us. “They’ve done tons of upgrades. Loads of improvements.”


She chuckled along with me and we wandered the street aimlessly for a few minutes before I dragged in a breath and broke the silence.

“I’m sorry,” I murmured, just loud enough to be heard over the rush of humans around us.

“What for?”

I kept my eyes forward, aiming for the small gaps that people left as they walked around us. My heart ached a little, shame and guilt slithering through my thoughts like snakes.

“For all the trouble this is causing,” I said, my voice small. I’d always hated being a burden, and I’d clawed my way out of any situation where that might happen.

And being a burden to Reid was… unthinkable.

“All this trouble isn’t your fault, Mia,” she said seriously, but I couldn’t help the knot in my gut. “You’re a valuable employee, and a good friend. Why wouldn’t I help?”

“Because it has nothing to do with you,” I said, and the words came out harsher than I’d intended. I pressed my fingers to my lips, heat rising up my neck. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-”

“It’s fine.” Reid chuckled. “I get what you’re saying. There isn’t exactly much I can do. You heard the gangly man. Unless there’s a ring-”

She paused, turning a blank stare on me.

“What?” I asked hesitantly. I knew the signs of a Reid Scheme, and the sudden spark in her eyes had me bracing for unknown impact.

“I have an idea,” she breathed, her lips spreading into a wide smile.

“Okay, are you going to share it?”

“Not here,” she said, and practically took off toward a restaurant nearby. “Come on!”

I dashed after her, thanking whoever or whatever was watching over us that it was a restaurant Reid frequented because both our purses had remained in the car.

“Slow down!” I huffed, jogging to catch up to her. She ignored me, booking it to the entrance and grabbing a waiter who happily showed her to her table.

She waved me down and I followed, caution weighing each of my steps. I sat down opposite her at a table she’d reserved near the back of the restaurant, where there was less foot traffic.