Page 121 of Not In The Proposal

“I’ll probably look at an apartment in the city. But for now I’ll just stay in the hotel, I guess. I haven’t had a chance to talk to Reid about it yet.”

“Isn’t she leaving tomorrow?”

I nodded. Reid was scheduled to leave at nine in the morning the following day, and there was still so much I wanted to talk to her about.

“Are you really okay with the whole long distance relationship thing?” Vitoria asked, her voice a lot more gentle now. Concerned, almost.

I lifted a shoulder in a weary half shrug because, in all honesty, I wasn’t sure.

“I haven’t thought about it much,” I lied. It had been the only thing on my mind ever since Reid dropped the bomb of giving me the sister company. “I kind of wish she wasn’t leaving tomorrow.”

“Why can’t she stay for a little while longer?”

A valid question.

“Because her head of security absolutely terrifies me,” I said with a straight face. “And it takes a lot of time and effort to coordinate her trips, especially when they’re international trips.”

“I guess that makes sense.” Vitoria frowned. “But then you should probably talk to her about it soon.”

I knew that. Which was why I got to my feet and walked outside, looking for Reid.

She stood a few feet away from the front door, her gaze trained on her phone.

“Reid,” I called softly.

She looked up with a smile. “Sorry, love,” she said. “I just finished up. Warren is sending over copies of the signed contracts for your records.”

“Thank you,” I said with a smile. “I wanted to talk to you.”

“What do you need?” she asked, pocketing her phone and turning her full attention to me.

“Can we go back to the hotel?” I murmured, not wanting to have this kind of conversation where my mom and sister could, and would, eavesdrop.

“Of course, my love.”

We said our goodbyes, and soon enough we were on our way back to the hotel together.

“Are you okay?” Reid asked, curling her hands around mine.

“Yeah, there’s just so much left to do before you go,” I told her. “And I didn’t feel like sharing you with my family.”

Reid laughed softly, reaching across the empty seat between us to toy with my hair. “You never have to share me with anyone.” She giggled. “I’m all yours, always.”

“Even when we’re in different countries?”

Reid pressed her palm to my cheek, her eyes soft. “Even when we’re in different countries,” she promised. “Are you nervous about being apart?”

“I’m a little nervous about it, yeah,” I admitted, leaning into the warmth of her touch. “I’ve never done a long distance relationship before and I can’t say I’ll enjoy not seeing you every day. It’s kind of been my life for almost seven years. It’s going to be a huge change.”

“I understand,” she hummed. “I’m a little anxious about not having you by my side as well. I keep thinking about how it’s going to feel when I get home and walk into my house knowing you wouldn’t be there.”

“Don’t remind me.” I sighed.

The car rolled to a stop and we got out, our hands immediately linking once we were side by side again.

We walked up to the rooms and I followed Reid, who glanced at me quizzically.

“I know you haven’t finished packing yet,” I said hollowly.