Page 115 of Not In The Proposal

“Sounds important,” I said, resting my chin in the palm of my hand while I waited for my laptop to boot back up. “Anything you want to share?”

“Not yet,” she replied, her teeth worrying her lower lip. A small dent creased the space between her brows and I smiled.

It put me at ease; knowing that she wasn’t ready to talk about whatever she was working on, but she planned on telling me when she was ready.

“Okay.” I chuckled. “I’m going to call Rae to finalize some things.”

“I’m not even here,” she said with a wink.

I picked up my phone and dialed the office number, listening to the familiar waiting tone on the other end. “DawnStar Studios, how can I help?”

“Hey, Rae,” I said with a smile.

“Mia!” she gasped. “What a surprise, I was just typing an email to you.”

“I’m surprised you still remember what my voice sounds like.” I chuckled. “I feel like it’s been forever since we last talked. How are things up there?”

“I mean, not the same without you and Reid,” she said. “But everything is running pretty smoothly. How’s the expansion going?”

I looked at Reid, at the serious expression marring her beautiful face.

“I’d say it’s been a success.” I smiled. “I’m planning our trip home, actually.”

“Thank God, Clara has been stressed out of her mind.” Rae laughed.

“I figured as much.” I sighed. “Her last email had one too many exclamation marks. I knew something was up.”

“She’s a teensy bit of an overthinker,” Rae explained, but I already knew. Despite Clara’s stellar work ethic, her insecurities plagued her every move. “She still thinks she’s this unchallenged intern when she’s pretty much running most of the dev team’s day to day all by herself.”

I smiled in pride. “As long as she’s not working herself to her grave,” I said. “Listen, I got the updated schedule, and I wanted to amend some things before we come back.”


I gave her a rundown of updated meetings and dates, and she promised to send the latest schedule within the hour. I hung up and opened my emails, whistling low at the sheer number that flooded my inbox. It had been a few minutes since my laptop died, and somehow my inbox had been swarmed by double the existing emails.

“Is Clara freaking out?” Reid asked, her eyes on her screen.

“When is she not?” I sighed. “She’s got so much potential. I wish she’d see that and just be more confident in her abilities.”

Reid didn’t answer, and I felt her gaze settle on my face.

I looked up, our eyes meeting. “What?” I asked, wondering if I’d missed something she’d said.

“Nothing, love,” she said, wearing that smile that sent butterflies storming through my gut.

“I’m just about done with preparations to go back home,” I said, stretching my arms over my head. “I’ll call the security team later today and they’ll take care of Andy and his crew.”

“Someone’s eager to get back to the States.” She chuckled.

“Are you not?” I asked.

She lifted a shoulder in answer. “I thought you’d be a little sad to leave,” she hummed. “Are you going to see your family before we go?”

“I’d like to, if we get a chance,” I said. “I’d like to have dinner with them. I want to properly introduce you to Mom.”

“Properly?” she parroted. “What does this proper introduction consist of? Should I dress up?”

“No, oh my God.” I laughed. “Just be yourself, it’s not like they don’t already love you.”