Page 18 of Not On the Agenda

“Therewereno signs when Nat did what she did,” Cameron pointed out, and my heart squeezed at the sound of her name. “No one thought she’d do what she did. But that’s an unfair assumption to nail onto someone you’ve just met.”

“That’s the problem, Cam! There were no signs. We all thought it was real and when it turned out to be a lie, I was the one left shattered. I will not go through that again.”

“So what are you going to do about this store, then?”

“Exactly what I intended to,” I said defensively. “I’ve already started rolling out changes and new processes. I’ve got meetings scheduled with investors and suppliers. Frankie won’t keep me from doing business as usual.”

“That’s what I’m worried about,” Cameron said.

“I don’t want to talk about this.” I sighed, the exhaustion clinging to my shoulders. “I just wanted to hang out with you so I could get this off my chest.”

“You’re always welcome to do that,” Cameron said. “But you’re my best friend, and I hate seeing you hurt yourself like this.”

“Just,” I paused, pressing my fingertips into my temples to ward off the impending headache. “Tell me your stupid, sappy stories, please? I need something that won’t make me want to tear my hair out.”

Cameron snorted and I glanced up at her. “You call them sappy like you weren’t cheering us on the whole time.”

“I was, because-” I cut myself off with a shake of my head. “Off topic. How’s the kitchen coming along?”

“Don’t remind me.” Cameron groaned. “The contractors have been in and out of the apartment and as much as I’ve begged Elliot to just move into the house, she’s adamant. She loves that apartment and I can’t bear to take it away from her. So I have at least seven giant, sweaty men traipsing around every single day.”

“Some would call that a dream come true,” I pointed out.

Cameron leveled an unimpressed glare at me. “Andsomeof us prefer our homes without the odor.”

“Feisty, I miss this side of you.”

“I’ll kick you out,” she warned.

“You wouldn’t dare, you love me too much.”

Cameron blew a breath out of her nose. “I guess that’s true.”

“My, my, Elliot really has smoothed out all your rough edges,” I noted with no small amount of glee. “I’ll have to thank her personally when she gets back.”

“Please don’t give her any more ideas about my rough edges.” Cameron groaned. “She has enough ammunition without you adding to it.”

“Oh, this sounds like a Hayden and Elliot date,” I teased, grabbing my purse. “We’ve evidently gotlotsto talk about.”

I jumped up off the sofa, feeling a little lighter.

“Stay away from my girlfriend, Hayden!” Cameron called after me.

I turned and sent her a playful wink. “But she’s so much fun, Cam.”

Cameron’s sigh followed me out into the open office, where her new assistant sat typing away at her computer.

“Tell the boss lady that lunch is on me next time,” I whispered conspiratorially.

Her assistant nodded emphatically and sent me off with a wide, polite grin.

The elevator doors slid shut behind me and I pulled my phone out. I stared at the text from Vinny, my chest squeezing uncomfortably.

Without another thought, I typed out a quick reply and locked my phone, doing my best not to think about the text I’d just sent.

Hey V, can’t do tonight. I’ll call you when I’m free.

Chapter seven