Page 119 of Not On the Agenda

“What was that for?” she asked, a little dazed when I finally pulled away.

My breaths punched through my lungs, my heart hammering hard enough that I thought it might fracture my rib cage. “You’re phenomenal,” was all I could manage.

Chapter thirty-seven

Who Needs Netflix?


“Isthat…”Haydenpaused,bending down and studying the small bookshelf I’d shoved in the corner of my tiny living room. “A Pokemon snow globe?”

I buried my face in my hands, my cheeks burning. “This was a bad idea,” I said, dropping my hands and pointing at the door. “Get out, I changed my mind.”

Hayden’s laughter was a soft melody that wreathed itself through the small space between us, her eyes sparkling. “No, don’t kick me out.” She giggled, walking over to me and lacing her fingers through mine. “I’ll be good, I promise. I just haven’t seen, well,mostof this stuff before.”

“You’ve never seen a Bulbasaur snow globe but you somehow knew it was a Pokemon thing?” I questioned, and she pressed her lips together pointedly.

“I’ve never seen one in a snow globe,” she clarified with a wink. “Nor have I seen-”

She twisted around again, examining the cluttered shelves. “Is that a mini Elvis figurine?” she cackled. “On agolden toilet?”

“Hayden,” I warned, but there was no heat in the threat. I couldn’t deny it was a lot like watching a kid run around a toy store.

Really cute.

Even if it was at my expense.

“I know that it’s not what you’re used to,” I said awkwardly. “And it’s shabby because I haven’t had much time to make it more homey-”

“It’s perfect, Frankie,” she said, cutting me off with a grin. “It’s exactly what I thought it would be.”

“I don’t really know how to take that.”

“It means that it’s as unique and pretty as you are.”

I rolled my eyes and looked away, ignoring the flip in my gut.

“And you haveso many plants,” she deadpanned. “How do you keep them all alive?”

I shrugged. “Green thumb?”

“Oh my God, please tell me that isn’t what I think it is,” she gasped, leaving me in the middle of the living room and darting back to the bookshelf.

“What?” I asked hesitantly, trying to peer around her to see what she was looking at.

She spun around, holding a picture frame with two very young girls in the photo.

I lunged forward to snatch the photo out of her hand, my cheeks hotter than the sun, but she dodged out of my hold.

“Uh-uh,” she giggled, holding the frame above her head. “Were you inband?”

I sank to the floor, utterly mortified and wishing the floor would swallow me whole.

“Oh, look how adorable you were,” Hayden cooed. She squatted on the floor next to me. “Is this Nikkie?”

I nodded without looking up. “Don’t be ashamed, love.” Hayden chuckled, her free hand on my back. “It’s so endearing.”

My heart fluttered at her words, at the soft ‘love’ she’d almost whispered.