Plots of land would be dedicated to a community garden and a nice new park for the kids in the area.

There were proposals for grants to revitalize the community, pump money into the libraries and the schools, and so much more.

By the time I got to the final document, my heart was thundering with warmth and affection for the man currently locked in my bathroom.

But the last document, it was the one that made it all make sense.

A non-disclosure agreement that outlined he was unable to discuss this with anyone until the city itself announced the plans.

My eyes dipped to the signatures on the page, seeing Blake’s name alongside those of well-known politicians, and everything began to click into place.

I heard the bathroom door creek open, followed by soft footsteps as Blake made his way back out to me, and I tossed the NDA back down onto the coffee table.

“Youdidn’tread it, did you?” He asked, giving me a knowing wink.

“I didn’t,” I confirmed. “And I understand why.”

The hardness in his face relaxed.

Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes, and I blinked past them as I prepared myself to tell him what I needed to.

He took a few more steps toward me, excitement on his face as I held up a hand to stop him.

“I’m pregnant,” I blurted out, not wanting him to go another moment without knowing the full gravity of our situation.

Blake’s footsteps came to a screeching halt, and his face paled. For a moment, I was terrified that I had fucked up. That maybe I shouldn’t have told him, at least not now.

I could see his mind working to make sense of it, to process what I had just hurled at him. And then slowly, ever so slowly, his mouth began to pull up in a grin.

“You’re pregnant?” He asked, joy soaking every word.

I nodded, and his grin turned luminous as he rushed forward.

Grabbing one of my hands, Blake pulled me to my feet and into his arms, wrapping me in a crushing hug as he rained down kisses upon me.

“Nell, I love you,” he confessed between kisses, and I couldn’t help it. I started to laugh.

He pulled back, his brows knitting together as he said, “Laughter isn’t exactly the response I expected.”

“I love you, too,” I confirmed. “This is just not how I expected this to go.”

He grinned at me again before bringing his mouth to mine.

He kissed me fiercely, stealing my breath from my chest as he led me over to my bed.

We climbed into it, pawing at each other’s clothes as we began to strip them off.

When he tossed his shirt to the side, it was followed by a soft but distinctthud, and I pulled back to see what had been knocked over.

There, halfway across the floor, was a familiar velvet box. Blake eyed it for a moment before letting go of me and walking toward it.

He picked it up off the ground, turning the box over in his hand and then opening it. The ring was still nestled inside.

“It was my mother’s,” he admitted softly. “It’s why I told you that it didn’t cost me anything because it didn’t. Even though, to me, it is completely priceless.”

I could sense there was more that he wanted to say, so I remained silent.

Blake pulled his gaze away from the ring and placed it back on me, his eyes swimming with emotion.