A moment later, the cushion beside me shifted as Lex sat down and placed a hand on my back, rubbing it gently.

“I’m assuming that if you are… you know… that it’s Blake's?” Her voice was soft and cautious.

I nodded. “There’s no one else it could be.”

We sat in silence then, the only noise the ticking of the old cuckoo clock she had on the wall, a leftover gift from her late grandmother.

When enough time had passed, I looked at her, terror unfurling low in my belly.

“Will you check it with me?” I asked, my voice sounding as terrified as I felt.

Lex nodded, and we stood.

As I walked across the apartment, each of my footsteps sounded too loud.

I tried to focus on pulling in deep breaths and steeling my nerves, but by the time we got to the bathroom, I was trembling.

I reached for the small stick resting on a wad of toilet paper on the bathroom sink and flipped it over.

My stomach bottomed out, and Lex let out a small gasp as we stared at the word written clearly on the small digital screen of the test.

Pregnant. I was pregnant.



I was pacingback and forth in Jourdan’s office, waiting for him to show up.

Three days ago, the moment after I had left the school, I had called him.

Not knowing what else to do, I told him the truth.

Pouring everything out, how Nell and I actually met, the fake engagement that had started to feel so incredibly real, how I had spent that time during our fake engagement actually falling in love with his sister, and then the article.

Well, the first article, anyway.

The one that had started all of this.

Many more had popped up over the last few days, some even from typically credible news sources, and there wasn’t fuck all that I could do to combat it.

They all made me look terrible, like some high-strung rich asshole that didn’t care about anything other than turning a profit.

But I didn’t care about that or what people were writing about me or what the public thought. All I cared about was Nell and finding a way to tell her the truth.

And so, I’d enlisted the help of the only lawyer I knew that was worth a damn.

Jourdan Alcott.

He’d been pissed at first when I’d told him the truth, but after his initial outburst of shock, he’d calmed down a bit and eventually agreed to help me.

And Jourdan had spent the last three days scouring the NDAs for any sign of a loophole.

Twenty minutes ago, he’d called me and told me to meet him at his office ASAP, and now there I was, waiting for him to show up while I paced and wondered what he had for me.

The door flew open, pulling me out of my thoughts, and Jourdan strode in with a wild, triumphant grin.

“I did it,” he all but yelled. “There’s something that I think will work.”