The delicate, soft fabric slid off of him easily, and I tossed it aside with the rest of his clothes.

“I want to see you,” I murmured against his mouth. “All of you.”

“All you had to do was ask, Princess.” I could feel his grin against my lips as he began to take off his belt.

He made quick work of taking off the rest of his clothes, breaking our kiss only long enough so that he could take off his undershirt.

At the feel of his bare skin beneath my fingertips, I couldn’t help but moan, my insides going molten with the need for more of him.

I broke our kiss, both of us panting heavily as we held each other’s gaze. His stormy blue eyes were lit with passion and desire, and a wicked smile tugged up the corner of my lips as I raked my eyes over his body.

My mouth began to water at the sight of him. His torso was filled with chiseled muscles, decorated by a spattering of dark chest hair. My eyes moved over it, and when they got to his waist, I clenched my thighs together.

His cock was standing proud and erect, and he was so deliciously thick.

I reached for him, taking his length into my hand, and a hiss pushed past his lips.

My eyes met his, holding his gaze as I began to move my hand. I pumped him once, twice. On the third time, his head tilted back, his full, sensual lips parting with a moan that had me aching to feel him.

As if sensing my need, his head snapped up, blue eyes lit with electricity as he reached forward and stilled my hand.

“Tonight is about you,” he growled as he stepped toward me.

My breath hitched as his hands snaked around my waist. His strong arms flexed, pulling me tight against him, and then our mouths were on each other again.

He took a few more steps, forcing me back until the cold glass was pressing against the exposed skin of my back.

I gasped at the sensation of it all.

The contrast of the cold window on one side and his fire-hot skin on the other was a tantric kind of torture all on its own. His expert hands came down to cup my ass before lifting my legs, wrapping them around his waist while he kept the rest of me pinned against the window, the city silhouetting our bodies.

I could see us moving together in the shadows dancing across the walls, and when his teeth nipped at my neck, a low, guttural moan tore from my throat.

I needed him.

Needed him in a way that was so raw and desperate I couldn’t quite put it into words.

He ground into me, and my hands raked down his back, his breath leaving him in a hiss.

“Blake,” I said his name in a plea as it fell from my lips. “I want you inside me...please.”

He chuckled again, the sound rumbling through his chest and making me quiver.

“As you wish, Princess.”

Princess? It was a taunt.

An endearing taunt.

And if I wasn't already so wound up by the presence of this man, I would've protested.

Another time maybe.

Because in that moment, his purring 'Princess' into my ear had me almost split in two.

He cupped my ass again, keeping my legs wrapped around him as he moved me off the glass.

The loss of the cold was its own torture as the warm air of the apartment rushed in to tickle against my skin.