“And hope it leads us to Tazzie and Richie. With Kelly staking out Tazzie and Beckett watching Richie, let’s hope we catch them doing—something. Although I’m hard-pressed to define the something.”

Behind the Tahoe, he made the turn toward Santa Cruz. “Look, I know it’s not perfect. But look at it this way. We’re following a lead from Marshall himself. He’s the one who attempted to interfere in the investigation. Since he lives out of town, the only way he could have gotten wind of it so quickly is from Tazzie, the ex-wife, or Richie. We need to know why he felt the need to do that. Enlisting an employee to do your dirty work is a drastic step, an act of desperation. Who was he trying to protect? What was his motivation? Brownlee is our only way straight to the man himself.”

“Yeah, but we’ll probably never see a dime of that money again.”

He took his eyes from the road long enough to glare at her. “What is the deal with you? You’re usually not this upset about spending our own money on getting to the bottom of a murder case. What gives?”

She lifted a shoulder. “I don’t know, but it bugs me. The guy showed up with a knife. Then he showed up again and put Jade in the hospital. I don’t trust him. Pay it back? Sam won’t even have a job if this goes right for us. If this works, Marshall won’t see the light of day for years. And that Melissa creature will probably crawl back to New Jersey with her brother looking at us with retribution in mind. I’m not sure we thought this plan through.”

“You have a point. Taking on a branch of the Russian cartel is risky.”

“Risky? It’s downright dangerous.”

“If we play this right, they’ll be in no position to seek retribution. Why didn’t you say something during the meeting if you were this concerned?”

Brogan huffed out a heavy sigh. “Because I didn’t see any other way. And everyone seemed gung-ho on the idea, even Brent, which surprised me.”

“Yeah, that shocked me, too. I didn’t realize how much he wanted this case solved until today when he agreed to let Brownlee go.”

“No argument that there are a lot of unanswered questions. On the one hand, we’re trying to solve Gidget’s identity and her murder. On the other hand, we have the mystery life of Vera Lockhart.”

“You saw the Katharine Pellico driver’s license. There’s no mistaking that it resembles a young Vera.”

“Yes, but we’re making a giant leap that the Canadian Katharine Pellico kidnaps people left and right. I mean, why does this woman decide to kidnap a lumber heiress? How does she pull it off? Why does she abduct Ellen Pierson and then grab David Campbell? Now we’ve decided she’s responsible for Russell Miller’s disappearance. What ishermotivation? Why is she doing all this? There has to be a reason.”

“Other than she’s a cold-blooded killer?”

“You’re not listening. David Campbell wasn’t the guy found in the hope chest at the end of Katharine’s bed. Or any of the other victims. No. They found Russell Miller stuffed inside. That’s significant for a reason.”

Wearing a wire, Sam Brownlee proved he could bluff his way around Dennis Marshall’s bravado.

“You said you’d stand by me. Instead, the minute I got arrested, you tossed me to the wolves. I did everything you wanted me to do. Now, I don’t even have a job.”

Surprised he was having this conversation with a guy who couldn’t make bail, Dennis backtracked. “That was a misunderstanding. Of course, I’m keeping you onboard. My secretary got confused and sent you that email by mistake. That’s all that happened. You know Marcie is a complete idiot.”

“It was a termination email,” Sam shouted. “I don’t buy that she sent it out in error. Marcie may be an idiot, but the woman doesn’t make a move without your say-so. You recruited me to scare Sutter. I did what you wanted me to do. Twice. It’s not my fault your plan didn’t work.”

“We’ll think of something else. We’ll try a different approach next time.”

“You don’t get it. There’s no next time. I’m ratting you out. Brent Cody wants me to meet with him this afternoon at five o’clock to go over everything you wanted me to do. That’s how it’s going down, Mr. Marshall. I’m spilling it all. Because if I go down, I’m taking you with me.”

Dennis rounded his desk. “Now you listen to me, you little shit. You’ll keep your mouth shut, understand?”

“Why should I? I’ve got a kid on the way and no job. Loyalty isn’t what I’m feeling right now.”

“How much will it take to keep your mouth shut?”

“Twenty grand, exactly what I owe the casino, plus a severance package for four months.”


“I want the casino paid by five this afternoon and proof I’m off the hook, something in writing. I want the four months’ severance deposited into my bank account immediately.”

“It’ll be done. But in return, I expect you to keep those lips sealed.”

“Don’t worry about me. Unlike you, I know how to keep my word.”