“Yeah, that’s the thing that bugs me. But then you explain to me why a woman like Vera—a woman living like a spinster but with a criminal past—would’ve been bothered by an ordinary teenager getting off a bus.”

“It is strange behavior to obsess for eighteen months about that seemingly one ordinary event. Now, if Vera had confessed to having a double life—beginning life as Katharine kidnapping and murdering her way across the country—that would’ve been different.”

“We don’t take on the easy cases, do we?”

“Nope. We like a challenge.”

After scarfing down their pup cups, the dogs began to get antsy, especially Stella.

Brogan glanced down at the greyhound and watched the dog fidget and dance in place before pulling on her leash. Her entire body tugged toward the pathway. Poppy reacted to Stella’s concerns by barking into the air at nothing. “Looks like we should start back.”

“What’s wrong with you guys?” Lucien asked out loud as he finished off his cone. “I’d think you’d be glad to get outside for a bit.”

Stella responded by growling, a low guttural whine, a distinctive sound Lucien recognized as a warning.

“Okay, girl, we’ll head back home,” Lucien said, exchanging looks with Brogan. “I think she’s trying to tell us that something’s wrong at home.”

“Then what are we standing here for?” Brogan called out as she scooped up Poppy.

They sprinted down the pathway, deciding to jog at the midway point. Out of breath, they rounded the dunes only to have the orchard block their view of the house.

Sensing something amiss, Stella took off running at a gallop. Lucien dashed after his dog while Brogan followed at a much slower clip.

Lucien pulled up short as Stella began to bark. He stopped to take in the graffiti spray-painted across the French doors. Someone had written “Back off or die” in big, bold letters. He swore under his breath at about the same time he heard the sound of a puppy moaning from the guest house. The front door stood open to the cottage. He spotted Jade sprawled across the concrete stoop, her dogs, Mia and Miles, snuggled beside her.

Lucien took out his cell phone to call for an ambulance.

Behind him, Brogan yelled, “The EMTs will come from San Sebastian. That’s half an hour to get here. It’ll be faster if we can get her into the Range Rover and take her to the hospital.”

He knelt next to Jade to check her pulse. That seemed to bring her around. She tried to fight the air, fists slapping him away. “You’re safe. Just hold still. You’ve got a knot on your forehead the size of a baseball. We’re taking you to the ER.”

“I’m alright,” Jade mumbled. “I saw someone in the yard. Came out to see what he was doing. A man. He hit me with something.”

Brogan took a tissue from her pants pocket to wipe the blood away from Jade’s eyes. Crouching next to her head, she pointed to the severity of the gash. “That’s no flesh wound. She could have a concussion.”

“I’m fine,” Jade echoed, trying to sit up.

“No, you’re not,” Brogan pressed. “Don’t argue. You’re going to the ER to get checked out, and that’s final.”

“You get the car door,” Lucien instructed. “I’ll carry her.”

“I can walk,” Jade insisted, waving him off. “I’ve got the headache from hell, but I’m okay.” She tried without success to get up. “If you could just help me stand.”

With Brogan on one side and Lucien on the other, they managed to sit her upright.

“How dizzy are you?” Brogan charged. “How many fingers am I holding up?”

“Unless you had a twin, I’m seeing two of you. I didn’t even have time to dial 911. He was on me before I could do anything. And Mia. He swung at me, wielding something long and heavy, then hit Mia on the head with it, too. She needs tending to. Call Cord Bennett. Miles just barked and latched onto his jeans. Didn’t you, Miles? Today Mia was the star.”

“Would you recognize him again?” Lucien asked.

“I think so. I got the impression he didn’t think anyone was at home and was surprised to see someone in the guest house.”

They walked Jade around the house to Brogan’s SUV and helped her into the front seat.

“Don’t worry about Mia. Lucien will take care of calling Cord. Right now, the important thing is to get your head stitched up.”

“I need stitches?”