“Just thinking about your bastard ex,” I shrug.
She accepts the answer easily, and I feel lower than slime for having lied, but I don’t want to complain about my own life. Not when her trauma’s are far closer to the surface. More recent.
When we arrive at the garage an hour later, it’s immediately obvious that something’s wrong. It’s not just that Dani issittingunder the window, nursing a giant cup of coffee with her knees to her chest, but that Jax issittingbeside her not looking in the least bit leery.
“What’s wrong?”
That’s Bri.She picks up on ittoo,and rushesto Dani’s side. They put their heads together and start to whisper. Jax takes the cue and drags me to the side.
“Dani reckons she saw the ex hanging about this morning. Said he was on the other side of the road, watching her apartment.”
My stomach sinks, an iceberg having settled in the dead center of my body.
My mind starts to race with a dizzying array of questions and worries. How did he find her, what was he planning to do, what would have happened if Bri had left the house that morning and run into him?
“Don’t torture yourself,” Jax warns.
“She could have been hurt. How did he find her?” I growl.
Those protective instincts that drove me to scaring each and every boy that ever even sniffed the air around Jenny come back in full force but with something more violent behind it. Because who the hell does this guy think he is? Did he not get the hint when she packed up and left? Was she not clear enough in her intentions to stay well away from him?
“Where is he now?”
“I don’t know,” Jax says. “But I called Edge the moment Dani showed up and he said there wasn’t anyone around. Must havescrammedwhen Dani saw him.”
“Coward,” I growl.
Suddenly, I have a new mission. To find thisassholeand take him down. To do whatever it takes to make sure he doesn’t touch Brieveragain. And sometimes all it takes is a violent touch to really drive the point home. Hell, if he thinks he can hurt Bri, then maybe it’s about time he had a taste of his own medicine.
I’m not afraid to hurt someone, especially if that person is dangerous. I’ll do anything to protect the people I care about,nomatter the consequences.
“I know that look, Xander, and I know what it means. This dude isn’t just some random man off the street. His dad’s company is a rival or ours, no matter how distant that rivalry may be. If we get involved, if we let him get hurt, it’ll come back to haunt us in some way. YouknowI’m right,” he tacks onto the end, probably inresponse to theincredulity I’ve likely got painted on my face.
He’s right. Heisright. And that pisses me off more than I want it to. Why should the ex be given any kind of leeway in life? He’s done damage to another human being and should learn what kind of life that leaves.
“But, if we can make it look like an accident…”
I smile and Jax smiles back.
“Sounds like a plan, little brother.”
“For now, though, I think you need to speak with yourwoman.She’s not lookin’great.”
Dani told me exactly what happened this morning, and ever since, I’ve heard a numb humming in the back of my mind. All of my thoughts since took on an empty quality, never quite reaching fruition. He’s back, I’m in danger, and that’s all there is to it.
After she told me what she saw, Dani took my hands in hers, and I could see that her mouth was moving, but I didn’t know what she was saying. I couldn’t make sense of it. Justwordsjumbled together, the backdrop of pulsating fear pushing out all semblance of meaning.
I’m stuck back in the state I was in in the months before I found the ability to leave. Agonizing panic with the threat of something horrendous hanging over me. This was who I was when I was living withhim, and I never wanted to be that person again.
And yet, here I am.
“You’re shaking. Come here.”
Strong arms envelop me, but for a full minute, I can’t see who it is. The familiarity comes from the wrong part of my mind, and I freeze, ready to experience pain. When none comes, I breathe out a shaky breath and look up.