Page 66 of Angel's Share

“When we land, he’s handing us off. Someone bought the privilege…of killing me.”



Twenty minutes earlier

Alex watched as the chopper flew farther and farther beyond his reach. His wife, their unborn children, and AJ were all gone. And there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it.

Footsteps were heading his way, loud as they approached the roof’s access door. Alex looked around. Nothing. Not a damn thing he could use as a weapon.

He postured for a punch, ready. The split second the door swung open, he threw a punch.

Jordan ducked, rolled to the ground, then jumped back to her feet. “Wow,” she said, lips pursed. “You go from tickling my tonsils to swinging fast and furious. Mixed signals. That’s all I’m saying.”

“They took off.” Alex pointed in their direction of their ascent. The chopper was no where in sight. “My car.”

Jordan grabbed his arm. “Not so fast.” She pointed in the opposite direction.

A familiar black executive helicopter was heading in fast. The lettersD-G-Igleamed from the tail. A breath he’d been holding whooshed out. He’d never been so happy to see a Drake Global Industries helicopter in his life.

He waved as it approached, his smile tight. “Thank God Mark has access to the fleet.”

Jordan smirked. “That’s not Mark.”

The landing was pristine, and the blades never stopped. Alex opened the door and hopped in. A man in dark glasses, a mustache and beard nodded in greeting. His skin, tanned to perfection. His demeanor, familiar.

As soon as Alex and Jordan were inside, he lifted off, then raised the glasses to the top of his head, letting Alex get a look at his eyes. “It’s like you can’t get on without me,” he scoffed.

Alex punched him in the arm, before wrapping him in a side hug. “Only available in emergencies,fucker?”

Paco chuckled. “Trust me, after this, I’m making time. Sunday dinners. Foot rubs for my preggershermanita.” His nickname for Madison—little sister. “The whole nine yards.”

Alex lifted his watch. “I guess I should thank you for this.”

“You’re welcome,” Paco replied, pressing the stem until the face changed from dancing dot to heartbeat and pulse. “You know, when I asked my watch guy in Switzerland to retrofit a six-figure watch for digitized capabilities so I could keep an eye on Madison, he nearly had a heart attack.”

“I bet he did.”

Even through his monthly Botox regimen, Paco’s brow wrinkled with concern. “Madison’s heartbeat is irregular,” he said.

“Then fly faster.” Alex was on the verge of 10-point Richter scale panic attack.

“Here’s the thing. We can’t just barge in there. Or fire from the air. I have a plan, but we need to get a message to Madison.”

“How?” Alex asked. “Even if she has her phone, it’s dead. I checked it last night.”

Jordan added, “Andsomeonekept Junior from carrying his.”

Sure. Hindsight’s always 20/20. “I was protecting him—so he couldn’t be tracked.”

“You should know better than to keep a millennial from his phone,” Jordan snarked.

Alex stewed in the comment. Alex waved his hands to the sky. “I did what I thought was best.”Why is it the biggest critiques are always the non-parents?

Alex shook his head, then stared at the watch. “Wait, how are you getting her biometrics?”

Jordan answered. “From the locket around her neck. It’s got heartbeat and pulse monitor, and a tracker.”