Page 37 of Kissing My Crush

“Another warm body,” I shrug, and his eyes darken.

“That’s bullshit and you know it.”

“Why is this,” I wave my finger between us, “any different than you and all the others you’ve been with?”

“Because dammit, you are Amara.”

I laugh, “What in the hell does that even mean?”

“Fuck, I don’t even know that yet, but what I do know is that when I’m with you I’m not trying to figure out how to get away. When I know I’m about to see you I actually get so excited that I feel like a fucking kid. It’s not just about the sex, it's about you giving me a sense of belonging. It’s somanythings, that I can’t even list them all and I’m still discovering new shit. What I do know without a single doubt in my mind is that you are nothing like any other woman in my past. I feel like when you look at me you can see something nobody else has bothered to see.”

“I don’t know if I can do this.” I confess, my chest aching.

“Youcan,” he tells me, reaching out to take my hand and offering it a soft squeeze. “You just have to give it a chance. You have to give me a chance.”

I take in a shuddering breath and then let it out slowly.

“Baby,” I look up at him and that softness he has in his eyes when he looks at me can’t be missed. “Please let me take you home.”

I pause, looking back over his shoulder to find Liam watching us, but still talking to Audrey. “He knows doesn’t he?” Tyler doesn’t even have to look to know who it is I’m talking about, he only nods.

“I’ll wait for you outside,” I step back, letting go of his hand. “Will you tell him?”

“Yeah,” pushing his hands into his pockets he rocks back on his feet. “Don’t go outside, not by yourself.”

It's my turn to nod, before I turn and walk toward the front door. Only I don’t go all the way out front because I’m not sure I can stomach seeingheragain, not right now. I shouldn’t want to claw out the eyes of a complete stranger, but I do.



I curl in closer to Amara, her back pressed in tightly to my chest as we both lay on our sides. My body follows the contour of hers, leaving little space between us. Her hair is piled on top of her head in a mess of tangles, as she snores lightly.

Last night after she finally climbed up on my bike, she rode the entire way back to her place holding onto me like her life depended on it.

I loved the way it felt to have her on my bike. I took the scenic route home, enjoying the way her arms wrapped around me, and her hands fisted the shirt at my waist.

She remained somewhat quiet when we reached her place, even when we were inside she busied herself, I think so that she could avoid me as much as possible.

That was until I cornered her in the bathroom and forced her to talk to me.

Seeing tears in her eyes triggered an emotional response from me I never expected. It was almost like I’d been kicked in the nuts and punched in the throat at the same time.

“I don’t want to be that girl,” she confessed.

“What girl?” I asked, going down onto my knees as she sat on the side of her tub.

“The one that makes you feel guilty for a past I wasn’t even a part of. I have no right to feel hurt by something that took place long before you and I did this.” The way she waved her hand between us confused me, but I realize that she is still trying to figure this all out as much as I am.

“I got jealous over the mention of some guy that you didn’t even sleep with.” Her brows furrowed. “The online boob stalker,” I felt relieved when she laughed at my words. “I get it, Amara, I do.”

I wish I could wipe my slate clean, but I can’t all I can do is start anew.

Holding her all night long while she slept in my arms was something I realized I wanted to do often.She may snore and fucking wiggle like she’s got itching powder in her sheets, but feeling her body pressing to mine makes it all worth it.

She begins to wiggle against me, and I loosen my hold on her, but only enough so that she can turn and look at me.

When her eyes locked with mine, I graze over her jaw with my thumb and lean in to kiss her forehead.