Climbing behind the wheel, I take in a slow deep breath before starting my car.
Backing up, I drive in the opposite direction of Sugarland.
The sun is starting to rise, as I pull alongside the road and watch it peek over the hills.
Brooklet is my home, it's my place, and having her here makes it somehow feel tainted.
Turning my wheels back to the road, I start to drive once more, and before I know it, I’m passing the signs to Statesboro.
* * *
Garrett: Wish you would have woken me up before you left this morning.
I sit in the corner of the cafe, at a small table. Picking at the coffee cake that doesn’t even compare to Gran’s.
The coffee is weak, they have no hazelnut and I had to settle for French vanilla. I’m on a real roll of disappointments, but one thing good is Garret. And I left him to be here.
Looking around I observe the people waiting for their drinks, talking or typing on their phones or scowling because they feel they’ve been waiting too long.
My phone vibrates in my hand, and I turn back to the table, looking down at Gran’s number on the screen. I close my eyes tightly, before then pressing the button and lifting it to my ear.
“Girl you better have a damn good excuse for making me sit up all night waiting for you.”
“Rose,” I say in response because honestly how could she pretend that wasn’t enough.
“No,” she says, the tone of her voice making my chest tighten. Gran doesn’t scold me, she doesn’t get upset and mean, she’s always been my support and my best friend. Granted she doesn’t always say the things I want to hear, but she has never made me feel as though something I did was wrong.
Until now.
“You will not use that as an excuse to make me worry. Have you forgotten about the fact that you’ve had some crazy asshole harassing you and that we’ve had more than one threatening incident with the likes of him?”
I want to apologize, but she doesn’t give me the chance.
“Had I not gotten in my car and went out looking, driving past Garrett’s place to see your car there, I may have called the station. This is not okay, you running is not okay, and you leaving before you, and I had the chance to talk is unacceptable. You and I do not avoid each other, we do not hide things and we sure as hell do not make the other worry. We are in the same corner, Kyra you know this.”
I do know this.
“Considering Garrett was just here asking for you, I assume you never told him what took place?”
“No,” I feel my pulse quicken. “And I hope you didn’t either.”
“I do not lie,” she says in explanation. “He left with a bothered look on his face, but all I told him is that you are a stubborn girl and when you are ready to talk you will.”
I let out the breath I was holding.
“He told me he could tell you had something on your mind last night, but he didn’t get the chance to ask.”
Flashbacks of last night hit me. Of course he didn’t get the chance, because I practically attacked him.
“I assume that meant you went straight for the sexual healing angle, and bypassed the conversation.”
“Gran,” for the first time since I picked up the phone I smile.
“I’m just saying,” I can sense her smile too. One thing is for certain, no matter what, she and I come out on top in the end. “Where are you?”
“Statesboro,” I look up at the sound of my name being said and find Gretchen moving across the cafe. “Gretchen just walked in.”
“Good, you need friends, right now.” She adds.