I walk away, going inside my apartment and slamming the door.
I exitthe bakery and round the corner only to come face to face with none other than Phil. My heart feels like it slams against my chest, and I take a step back, my pulse racing.
“Hey Kyra,” when he smiles at me I feel sick. “How’s Garrett doing?”
Phil makes sure to keep his distance, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the side of the building. The way he asks about Garrett gives me an eerie feeling.
“Heard about his excitement last night.”
“What excitement?”
When his smile widens, and his teeth shine with a disgusting shade of yellow I again take another step back.
“You should tell him to be more careful,” he adds, uncrossing his arms and standing tall. “Next time it could be a lot worse.”
With that Phil turns around and walks away and I run around the side of the building rushing back inside the bakery. Gran looks up and sees the panic I am sure is written all over my face. Within seconds she is standing in front of me holding onto my arms.
“Kyra, what is it?”
“I don’t know his phone number.”
“Garrett’s,” I’m winded, like I’ve run a mile instead of thirty feet. “Phil,” I say after a deep breath. Immediately her face twists into hate but I push on. “He said something happened to Garrett last night and I’m sure if it was bad we would have heard about it right? I mean it's a small town and bad things don’t happen without everyone knowing. But Phil led me to believe that more is to come and Gran, I don’t know what he means but nothing from that guy can be good, right?”
I’m rambling, I know this, but I can’t stop.
“He said that next time it could be worse, what does that mean? And what about this time, what happened? I don’t have his number because well, he came here yesterday, and the door hit me in the face. I was humiliated and made him leave but what if something bad has happened? What if—,”
“Girl,” Gran shakes me, and I look around realizing that we are not alone. She is close to me, but Casey and a few customers stand closer to the counter, and one sits at a small table a few feet away with a half-eaten piece of pie on a plate before them.
My cheeks heat, my stomach flips and I look back over my shoulder.
“Casey,” Gran hollers. “We’re gonna step outside.”
She doesn’t wait for a response from Casey or for me to agree. Instead she leads me outside and I sag against the side of the building suddenly exhausted as the adrenaline starts to fade.
“Do you want me to call his momma?” Gran asks, sitting on the bench at my side. I nod, because I don’t think I have any words left to say. Everything had already rushed out of me at record speed, and I can’t even remember half of what I said.
“Maria, it’s Lily Mae,” I look over at Gran who holds her phone to her ear. I expect her to start rambling on about Phil and then her insane granddaughter but instead she remains quiet, listening to whatever Garrett’s mother is saying.
“Is he okay?”
My chest tightens and I sit down next to Gran. When she reaches out to place her hand over mine the fear returns.
“What does the sheriff plan to do?”
Oh my God!
“Phil showed up here and approached Kyra when she was leaving. He said some things, and no nothing like a confession, but it was a warning.”
Another pause as Gran listens.
“Okay well if y’all need anything you let us know.”