Like I said, Gran is my best friend. I can tell her anything and she never holds back with me. I don’t have many girlfriends, actually I have none. I never tried to connect with anyone outside of Gran. I have trust issues, and she is the only person who has never hurt me.
“I bet he could make your toes curl.”
“Gran!” I swat at her, and she doesn’t bat a lash.
“What? Did you see the boy's stance, and those arms? No doubt he works hard, the manual labor has done him good. All powerful and strong, mm mm mmm.”
“I think you need to double up on your blood pressure medicine.”
She laughs, but I’m not joking. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen Gran so worked up.
“He gets the heart pumping that’s for sure.”
“Cougar,” I tease and of course she simply smiles wide and nods her head as if she agrees.
I’m not sure she can be trusted in the presence of young men.
“So when’s the first date?”
“What date?” I ask, wrinkling my brows. Had I missed something?
“I presume Garrett asked you out,” she turns her body to face mine and looks at me like I’ve lost my mind.
“There was no asking for any dates.”
It's her turn to look confused, her frown line deepening and her eyes narrowing like Garrett has committed some horrendous crime.
“Don’t you Gran me, has the boy lost his damn mind?”
“Like I said he was only checking on me.”
“And like I said the only checking he was doing is that of your behind. That man was on a mission and you’re telling me he did not follow through.”
“Leave it alone,” I know the chances of that are slim.
“Leave it alone my ass, I’m gonna have to call his momma.”
“You are not calling his momma!” I gasp. Could you imagine? I would be mortified. “He’ll ask if he wants to, when he wants. The last thing I need is a date only led by my Gran who called the guy's mother and forced the event. Woman, do you have no boundaries?”
I would lock her in the closet and take away her keys, and phone.
“Boundaries do not exist when it comes to you.”
I settle, taking in a slow deep breath. My heart continues to race. “Please,” I say slowly, hoping to penetrate her need to strike for no reason. “If he wants to ask me out he will. Do not interfere and humiliate me more than I already am over the entire Phil disaster.”
“To hell with Phil, that sorry sack of shit.” And the distraction has been set into motion. “That man comes within a foot of you, and I will chop off his pecker and brand his forehead with the word-dickless.”
I snicker at the mental image she’s just triggered.
She pauses looking at me as I cover my mouth with my hand.
“What?” She asks.
“Your kind of crazy should scare me, but it's inspiring.” Her smile widens. “Does that make us both insane?”
“No, it makes us strong!”