Page 7 of Tempt

He shrugs, climbing up inside and we join him. “Let’s just say that the nude women on the deck of cards those boys use on poker nights aren't the only nude women in attendance.”

Mike and I look at one another and then back to my dad, before he puts his truck in drive and squeals off.

Had I known I was going to be arrested for punching the asshole I would have done a whole lot more than I had to make it worth it.

“This may disappear from your record son,” I look up at the rearview mirror to find my father watching me. “But that doesn’t erase it from your momma’s mind too.”

My stomach drops instantly.

“You may wanna prepare yourself for a lecture, maybe a slap to the back of the head. You know all those things a mother offers.”

“Do you think there’s a chance she’ll just let this one slide?”

When he chuckles and offers Mike a sideways glance I know it's impossible.

“She’s already at your place waiting for us.”

“Just take me home with you, hell, take me anywhere. Drop me off at the bus station,” I mumble.

My mother looks sweet, she looks all kind and accepting but damn if she doesn’t have a mean streak. I fear for my safety, and the two assholes in the front seat are loving my turmoil and enjoying my impending doom.

“Do you think I can slip in the back, and she’ll finally give up and go home?”

“The woman’s got a key, boy,” again my heart rate spikes. Why had I ever thought giving her a key was a good idea? “She’s probably sitting on your couch, so she has a clear view of the front and back entrance. She’s not going anywhere.”

As we round the corner and my place comes into view, there stands my mother, with her hands on her hips, staring right at us. She doesn’t even wait for the truck to stop before she is on her way to meet us.

“Lock the doors,” I say, “lock them all.”

“Not a chance,” Mike laughs, opening his door, jumping out to open up the back door and clear the way for Maria Tennison to reach me. He stands behind her, his arms crossed over his chest and a bright smile on his face. When he pulls out his phone and starts recording I know without a doubt every person we hang with will have a copy by sundown.

“You gonna get out, or hide in there like a little boy?” I can’t quite gauge her mood; she doesn’t appear murderous but that could all be part of her plan. She could be stalking her prey, me, I’m the prey. Then the moment I think all is well and she isn’t going to kill me she could attack, and it will all be over.

Slowly I climb out of the truck and the second my feet hit the floor she steps forward and wraps her arms around me, offering me a hug.

“Damn it, I want to be so mad at you right now.” I refuse to relax. “But all I can think about is that creepy man hurting sweet Kyra and all the anger I should feel for you, goes right out the window.”

It's then I let out the breath I’ve been holding.

“Her gran called me and told me everything. Kyra is so upset over it all.” She releases her arms, only to bring her hands to rest on my forearms. “He’s been harassing her for weeks, trying to get her to go out with him.”

“Wait,” I shake my head, confused by her words. “I thought they were together.”

“Oh, Garrett, please, you’ve met Kyra. She’s sweet and that man, he’s awful.” She stares at me, and I am still reeling. “Do you know that there are several charges filed against him all over the county for assault. They can never get him though because he covers his tracks. Just thinking that Kyra could have been the next one on the list makes me sick.”

Me too, I want to say only I can’t form the words.

Month’s I’ve wasted. Months hating that she’d go for a guy like that. Month’s forcing myself to turn my cheek when she walks into a room, or I pass her on the streets.

“Is she alright?” I ask because honestly right now that is all that matters.

“I don’t know, but what I do know is Phil better hope he hides well, because Lily Mae is gunning for him. It’s loaded and ready, sitting on her bedside table.”

Momma smiles but I know she’s telling the truth. Lily Mae doesn’t play around when it comes to Kyra.

