Page 6 of Tempt

“Are the cuffs necessary?”

“Being a friend of your dads doesn’t make this any less serious, Garret. You jumped Phil, and he’s prepared to press charges.”

“Jumped him,” I laugh. Maybe I should shut up but the story he’s told Miles I assume is packed full of lies. “Did he mention the fact that he was groping a woman that didn’t want to be groped?”

Miles tilts his head a bit and I take it as the open to continue.

“Asshat showed up at the lake and thought he was entitled, thought it was okay to hassle a woman that didn’t much care for his company. Then he chose to throw shit around like she was some floozy that deserved nothing better.”

“Did he place his hands on you?”

I don’t respond, I only hold his stare. That is the only answer he needs.

“Turn around and place your hands behind your back.”

With a huff I turn around and do as he asks. My head is pounding and my stomach rolls as they lead me out of my apartment and toward the awaiting squad car. I ignore the curious stares of my neighbors. This will be front page news I’m sure. Hell there is probably some damn phone tree already in effect and my mom will know before I get to make my first phone call.



“Assault and battery,”Mike says with his nostrils flaring. “This is bullshit and you know it.”

“Enough,” my dad holds out his hands to quiet him and Mike’s chest is heaving with rage.

“Kyra told him no several times and he kept poking and prodding at her. Then he turns that shit on Garrett after he moves in to help her out. Phil Louder is garbage and don’t you for a second try telling me you don’t think the same thing, Miles.”

I sat in a cell about fifteen feet from my father and brother, both of them not really happy about me being handcuffed and booked.

“Whether or not he is garbage doesn’t make it any easier for me.” Miles stands his ground which I gotta say is impressive. “Gavin, you know I had to.” He turns his attention to my dad and friend. “I can’t have everyone saying I’m giving out special treatment because it's your boy. He has no marks on him,” Miles points in my direction and when my dad looks at me I have to look away. “Phil is walking around looking like he got in a fight with a rhino and that leaves me no damn choice.”

“I want him out of that cell.” My dad stands tall placing his hands on his hips. “Not in ten minutes, not in a fucking hour, I want his ass out now.”

“Let me, just get—“

“Now!” Gavin Tennison is usually as cool as a cucumber, but not tonight. “Half the men in this town want nothing more than to beat the piss out of that asshole. If you spent this much detail on the claims of him violating women and stealing shit from people’s back yards then Brooklet would be a whole lot safer. Yet, here you are arresting my son for doing what none of the others around here are man enough to do. What would have happened had he approached that poor girl outside of Sugarland in the dark when no one else was around? Would her claim be relevant then? Or would Phil’s sorry ass still be tainting our streets?”

“Gavin, I—,”

“This wouldn’t have anything to do with the shit you and his father have going on under the table would it?” I look up just in time to see Miles face go white. “It’d be a shame if Karen found out about your Tuesday night boys club, wouldn’t it?”

“You don’t know what your—,”

“You all should definitely keep better tabs on those you allow to participate in those boys nights. Not everyone has the strength to keep their mouths shut as well as you and old man Louder do.”

My father holds Miles stare and fuck if I didn’t have a new found respect for my dad in that moment.

“Like I said, I want my boy out of that cell, and I want him out now!”

Miles takes a deep breath, grabs his keys and starts walking toward me. Within seconds he has the door open and the cuffs off.

Stepping out I pause near my father’s side and look up, a little worried at what I might find. “Did you put some weight behind it?” For a second I’m lost until I get what he’s referring to. He’s talking about me hitting Phil.

“Hell yeah I did.” He nods, the corner of his mouth tipping up as he wraps his arm over my shoulder. Together the two of us followed by Mike start for the door, only to have my father pause near the exit. Looking back over his shoulder he shares a look with his buddy.

“I assume that you’ll find a way to make this entire record and bullshit charge disappear too.” He doesn't wait for an answer before pushing open the door and the three of us walk out.

“What you got on Miles?” Mike asks as we reach my dad's truck.