Page 4 of Tempt

Then as if he has a death wish he leans around Garrett and reaches out for me. “Isn’t that right sweetheart?”

Only Garrett sidesteps him to block his connection with me. “You can direct your questions to me.”

Phil chuckles. “I think I’ll pass, pretty boy.”

Suddenly everything sort of explodes and there are five other men standing, all wearing serious expressions. Rhett, Mike, Landon, Terrance, and Colt all move in closer to Garrett and cross their arms over their chest. None of them say a word, only stare at Phil who now looks around this circle of men, his confidence fading fast.

“What was that?” Garrett says with a laugh, and I’m embarrassed that I am the cause of this uproar. “You say something, Phil?”

Everything grows silent, and I feel my pulse quicken. I have no idea how things have shifted so quickly but my heart races with the possibilities.

I start to reach out to place my hand on Garrett’s arm, but stop when I hear Phil speak again.

“You can have her,” he huffs, throwing his hands up in the air and taking a step back. “She’s not worth this shit.” He turns around and starts to walk away but the tension never leaves Garrett.

“Watch it,” Garrett says, and the sound of his angry voice echoes over the lake.

“Never took you for someone who enjoys sloppy seconds, Tennison.” Phil hollers back over his shoulder and that’s when the humiliation of the entire exchange rushes over me.

Chaos erupts, I gasp and cover my mouth when Garrett rushes forward and Phil falls to the ground. Garrett falls forward too as he starts swinging. I take this moment as my chance to flee.

As I reach my car I look back and pause, allowing the tears to fall.

I am stunned at how quickly things fell apart.

Taking in a deep breath, I climb into my car and back out before turning on my headlights. All I want to do is hide.

I’ve never even let Phil touch me, but now everyone thinks I am nothing more than one of his side pieces.

Fifteen minutes later I pull into the driveway and remain in my car so that I can allow myself to calm down. If I go in there now, Granny will be in her car and driving to that lake within seconds. Her fearlessness amazes me, but the last thing I want is for her to get ahold of Phil too. She may just tie a weight to his leg and toss him in the deepest part of said lake. Then sit down to enjoy a s’mores while he fights to resurface.

Like I said she has a mean streak.

Clearing my head I climb out of my car and start toward the door. Only before I get the chance to open it she is there, in the doorway staring me down.

“You may think hiding in your car has bought you some extra time, but I dealt with years of your momma’s shit, so I am much more alert. Sad for you that I sleep with one eye open because nothing gets past me now.”

I try to smile, only the tears start once more, and she steps forward and takes me in for a hug.

This woman is more than my granny. She is the woman who saved me. She took me in so many times over the years since my birth. Every time my mother decided she needed a break, or she thought running off with some guy for a week was a good idea. Granny would show up, and never did she make me feel like a burden. She wore a smile and made it out like her taking me was the plan all along instead of being angry that my mother had deserted me once again.

Finally when I was eleven and my mother had disappeared, leaving me to fend for myself for close to a week was the final straw. After running out of food I tried to steal some from the gas station and got caught. I thought when Granny showed up she was there to beat my ass, but instead we went to the trailer I was living in at the time and packed up everything of mine.

One phone call to my mother, and a threat that she was turning her in for neglect, my mom signed over her rights and I have only seen her once since. I don’t’ miss her, because she was never the motherly type. I was a nuisance to her more than anything, and she finally rid herself of me.

Granny is more than my gran; she is my lifeline. She is my biggest cheerleader and when needed she’s the enforcer I may hate for a second but am thankful for later.

She is my voice of reason.

She is my best friend.

“Let’s go inside and you can tell me who’s ass I’ll be throttling tomorrow.”

I laugh against her shoulder but not because I think she’s kidding, but because I know she’s not.

