Page 34 of Tempt

“Uh uh, no,” she whispers the air she releases tickling my lips. “You said I was staying with you. So the only way I’m getting in the car is if you promise to take me to your place.”

I chuckle, looking back over my shoulder when I hear the guys walking in our direction.

“You killed that bull in there Ky,” Rhett holds out his hand to high five here as he walks by. She tries for it, missing and falling to the side, as I grip her tighter.

“I’m really good at riding the bull.” She declares and I laugh, keeping my lips pressed tightly together. This isn’t the time to take her words as dirty. But I can’t help it, she is a whole new person when she’s hammered.

“Alright my little bull rider,” I turn her around and start walking her toward her car.

“Your place?” Kyra asks, holding her keys tight.

“Yes, babe, my place.” Though I’m pretty sure she won’t make it there without passing out. “

I load her up, walk around to the driver’s side and climb in behind the wheel. Her head lolls to the side, and she smiles, though it seems like she is having a difficult time bringing me into focus.

“Tonight was so much fun,” she laughs, and I can’t help but smile in return. Remembering her telling me she doesn’t have close friends I’m glad that the group has had no problem accepting her.

As I expected she passes out before we got back to my place.

Parking her car next to mine in the driveway I climb out and move around to her side. Opening it up, I reach it and scoop her out.

Walking toward my front door, I do the best balancing act I can, unlocking my door and pushing it open.

Laying her in my bed, I step back and take a minute to watch her. She curls over onto her side, and lets out a sigh.

This may not be the night I imagined, but I gotta say having Kyra in my bed is one welcomed sight.



Rolling over,I stretch out in bed and feel my body start to relax once again. I’m cozy and at peace, feeling warm and secure beneath the covers.

The silky feel of the pillow as I move my head slightly brings me out of my haze and I peek through one eye, realizing that last night was not a dream.

“Oh my God!” I groan loudly and then press my lips tight as I lift my head and look behind me. Relief washes over me when I find the other side of the bed empty.

Dropping my head, I roll to my back and stare up at the ceiling.

Weeks, and weeks of torture and I waste the first night Garrett and I have alone by getting drunk and passing out.

Disappointment fills me from head to toe, then shame.

What did I say?

And do?

Oh hell, I lift the covers and find I’m in only my bra and panties.

Sitting up, I lean forward and rest my face in my hands.

I hear the sound of water running.

Climbing out of the bed, I walk toward the door and the closer I get the louder the water becomes. Peeking out into the hallway I realize it's the shower.

Memories of every kiss we’ve shared, the feelings I get when his hands roam over my body, my nipples harden beneath the lace of my bra.

I realize in this moment that if I’m going to do anything I should stop wasting the chance.