Page 3 of Tempt

I sit on the makeshift chair, which is nothing more than a stump from an old tree. Sipping my beer I try not to react when Kyra walks up and sits down with all my friends and family. My cousin Colt’s girl, Gretchen, accepts Kyra like she’s been a part of the crowd her entire life.

But Gretchen knows something about feeling like an outsider. Damn the woman has been battling that her entire life. Rich parents who have never supported her, left her feeling inadequate until she met Colt.

Now she is a part of our family and like a sister to me.

I quickly glance away from Kyra and am met with the prodding stare of my brother, and then I’m reminded of what he said earlier which only sends my thoughts tail spinning. Standing I walk over to the cooler and grab another beer, twisting off the cap, I down half the bottle.

“You okay?” Landon asks from over my shoulder.

“Yep,” I lie. “All good here.” Ignoring his curious stare I walk back to my spot and sit down, staring at the ground at my feet.

I should have stayed home.

“Girl you are so pretty,” Julian, another adopted member of our crew, coos gaining my attention. “I’ve never seen a shade of blue that vibrant. They’ve got to be contacts.”

Nope, they are not.

“I don’t wear contacts.” The sweet sound of Kyra’s voice followed by her laughter makes my chest grow tight.

I fight the desire to stand up and grab her, dragging her off somewhere so I can do the things to her I’ve been dreaming of doing for years. Yet, here I sit, doing nothing. I never do anything, which is exactly why she is with Phil and I’m sitting here fantasizing over a girl I’ll never have.



“So again,they aren’t dating, and she isn’t sleeping with him. He’s lying!” We all turn our attention to Gretchen who is glaring at Colt. I may not be around this group a lot, but I’ve seen those two around town. They are passionate, straight up, in your face in love. It’s adorable and intense.

They notice they’ve got an audience and lower their voices.

Looking around the group I see Garrett watching me and I smile. He’s always been a secret temptation of mine. He’s a sweet guy that simply nods in greeting and walks away leaving me wondering... what if. But I’ve never had the guts to act on those feelings, and the fact that he is so unreadable makes it harder.

Truth is I know very little about him. But that has never stopped me from watching him whenever the opportunity arises. He’s handsome, I’ve always thought so, he has this rugged country man vibe that I never really liked before, until him. Plus his dimples are a little hard to ignore.

“Girl,” Julian squeals at my side, pulling me back to the moment. I just met him, and I instantly love him. His energy is contagious. “You must join us for spa day.”

“Spa day?” Him wiggling in his chair with excitement has me a little nervous. “In Savannah, two weeks from today, we’re all going up for the day, and when I say all I mean the whole crazy crew. We take multiple cars and book the place for a day of fun, gossip and pampering.”

“I don’t know,” Glancing around I see several of those sitting near us nodding their heads in agreement.

“Seriously the facial’s.” Grace sighs and I can’t help but smile. I may never have spent much time with them until now, but I’ve lived in the same town as them since I was eleven. Grace is and has always been so sweet. If I’m being honest I’ve envied her life for years, wishing I had half the amount of blessings she’s had.

“Hey Kyra,” I turn around and look over my shoulder only to be met with Phil who is staring at me in the same creepy way he always does. Honestly the guy makes me uncomfortable, and doesn’t understand how to take no for an answer. When he leans forward trying to look down my shirt I place my hand at the collar on instinct.

“Nice night for a walk,” he adds while dragging his tongue along his lower lip as I fight the urge to vomit. A shiver runs through me, and I know by the look on his face, he thinks it is for an entirely different reason than me being repulsed.

“No, thank you.” I decline, before choosing to ignore him. Praying silently that he leaves me alone I am disappointed when I hear his voice again.

“Come on sweetheart,” he slides his hand down my arm.

“I said no,” I shrug him off. “Leave me alone.” I whisper, and silently beg that he listens to me. I just met all of these people, and the last thing I want is a scene. Tears begin to well in my eyes but only because I’m in the middle of a crowd of people all eyeing me and I hate being the center of attention.

“Don’t be like—,” Phil’s words stop abruptly when he is interrupted by an ominous tone.

“I believe the lady said no.” Lifting my attention upward I find Garrett standing only a few feet away and moving in closer. The size difference between the two of them has never been as obvious as it is now. Garrett towers over him, and the width of his shoulders compared to Phil’s thin frame makes Garrett appear as a monster.

I never took the time to dissect him the way I am now, but he has some serious muscle.

“I don’t need your help Tennison, Kyra and I are just fine.” Phil adds as Garrett places his body between mine and Phil’s.