Page 28 of Tempt

She looks forward to it.

“Well, I’ve never had chili as good as hers, so her dedication shows. Old Edgar Rhoades doesn’t even attempt to outdo her anymore. He knows it's nothing more than wasted energy.

“He’s moved on to trying to outdo Mrs. Murray on her beans and cornbread.” I chuckle remembering what my dad said about the fact that Edgar needs to get him some good, so he’ll lay off the unnecessary power trip to outdo the woman of Brooklet.

“That poor man,” Lily Mae shakes her head and makes a tsking sound. “Mrs. Rhoades needs to give her man something to do at home, so he stops trying to create drama each year. I think he’s wound up so tight he’s about to combust.”

“Gran,” Kyra says in warning, and I know that there is about to be another round of crazy to take place between the two of them. It’s the same every time, like an episode of Golden Girls unfolding.

“What?” Lily Mae shrugs. “Are you telling me I’m wrong? Because I know what a man that is hanging on the edge looks like and Edgar is a ticking time bomb. If Trina would just lock him up in the bedroom for forty-eight hours and give him a good ol’ romping session I bet he’d come out of there whistling and skipping through town taste-testing everyone else’s food instead of trying to tamper and create havoc.”

“A romping?” Kyra ribs her for her choice of words.

“Yes, you know, knocking boots, coitus, fornicate, join giblets, however you young ones refer to it.”

“Sex gran,” Kyra laughs, “Just say sex.”

“I prefer the term, fooling around,” Lily Mae corrects with a serious face, and I still remain quiet watching the exchange between the two of them.

“And who came up with the term giblets?” Kyra laughs. “It sounds like something you’d say on Thanksgiving. It’s actually kind of disturbing.”

“Have you ever pulled that bag out of a frozen turkey before you cooked it?” Both Kyra and I look on at Lily Mae trying to figure out where she is going with this. “It's got the neck and if you hold it up and give it a look over it somewhat resembles a man’s appendage.”

“It doesn’t not.” Kyra wrinkles her nose.

“It does.”

“I don’t know what appendages you’ve seen but that’s sorta sad that you’ve got them on the same level. Makes me wonder about any company you’ve kept over the years.” Kyra laughs before giving off a little shiver. “Gran, that's just nasty.”

To which Lily herself breaks out in a fit of laughter and for the next hour I listen to the two of them carry on like they aren’t talking about the comparison of a turkey neck and aman’s cock.

I’m enamored by them both, they are like a breath of fresh air. So relaxed and comfortable, it's an amazing scene to watch them together, not just now but every time I get the pleasure of spending time with them.

* * *

“Thank you, sweetheart,” my grams pats my arm as I set down, yet another large crock pot filled to the brim with her specialty chili. “I really didn’t know how I’d get these set up without my two favorite men.”

Mike sets down another pot next to mine and wraps his arms around Grams shoulders. “You don’t have to lie to him, Grams, he already knows I’m your favorite.”

She swats at his arm and laughs. “I do not have favorites; I love you both the same.”

“She’s too afraid you’ll cry if she tells the truth,” my brother adds, kissing her temple.

“Are you harassing your grandmother again?” Maddison asks, moving in close with my niece Sarah in her arms.

My brother and I are quickly forgotten as soon as my grandmother sees her great granddaughter. But I can’t say that I blame her, the kid is adorable.

A few hours pass as we get grams all set up, with her pots all plugged in before my parents arrive.

The entire town square is set up with one table after the next, from chili to specialty coffees, a smoothie booth, and a dessert table. I glance over in the direction of Sugarland and get a glimpse of Kyra and her gran, moving around with Casey in tow. Table after table of baked items, cut and wrapped in individual servings. This event is a yearly one that brings in people from the neighboring towns. It’s a chance to show off what Brooklet has to offer. But it’s not only food, it's crafts and woodworking. All handmade items that are for sale. Somewhat of our own little town fair.

“I see Lily Mae’s granddaughter has gained your attention.” I immediately look down toward the ground when I hear my grams speak next to me. Feeling shame over the fact that I had just been having some pretty nasty thoughts about Kyra and was caught.

“She is a sweet girl,” Grams adds.

Only Kyra is not a girl.

My heart races when I imagine dragging my hands over her back and cupping her ass as I pull her body closer to mine.