Page 21 of Tempt

Continuing to look down at my phone my heart races faster when I still don’t have a text.

Slowing to a stop in front of the house, I put my truck in park, get out and start up the driveway. Passing Kyra’s car, I am running on pure adrenaline when I knock on the door.

Turning my head from side to side, trying to relieve some of the tension building in my neck and shoulders.

I lift my hand knocking again and wait.

I hate how unsettled I feel and then I hear the sound of a chain and lock on the opposite side.

At this point I am bouncing on my feet, so many thoughts of everything I need and want to say rushing through my mind. But the second the door comes open every one of those thoughts fade and need takes over.

Kyra stands opposite me, her hair wet, and a fluffy blue robe is wrapped around her body tight. She looks at me, with her brows scrunched. “Hey,” she peers around me and toward my truck that is still running along the curb in front of her house.

“Is everything okay?’

I don’t know what comes over me, actually I do. I blame it on Mike, it's all his fault.

Stepping in, I feed my fingers through her damp hair and cup the back of her neck. She gasps when I pull her body closer and circle her waist with my free hand.

My lips crash with hers and for a few seconds I think she is too stunned to respond, but when she does, and I feel her tongue trace along my lips, and I moan.

Jesus, Kyra can kiss.

Her hands fist my shirt tight, her body pressed tight to mine.

Turning her, I move her around and her back rests against the door frame. Trying to rein in my attraction for her and will myself not to rip off her robe and carry her to the couch.

“Lord have Mercy!”

I step back in a hurry and Kyra brings her hand to her mouth, dragging her fingers over her swollen lips. Just beyond the living room, Lily Mae stands with her eyes wide in surprise I assume.

“I’d ask if everything is okay, but from the looks of it, it's really good.”

Kyra snickers and I hang my head, as my cheeks heat.

“I came out here to get a drink of water, but now I feel like I need some whiskey and a cigarette instead.”

“Gran,” Kyra warns but I notice her smile and it’s contagious because I smile too.

“Whew,” she fans her face. “I’ll just give you two a moment, but please count to thirty so I can turn my television up louder. There are some things a Granny should never hear and from the looks of this,” she waves her hand toward us. “It could get real heated and real loud.”

“Oh my God!”

“Yep, I am sure you’ll be screaming for our Lord too.”

“Gran, please.”

“He does look like the type to make you beg,” she adds and this time I laugh.

“I am mortified,” Kyra mumbles. When her gran turns around and starts walking to the back of the house I reach out and link my fingers with hers. Tugging a little she takes a step toward me. Looking up at me through her long lashes my chest grows tight when I see the redness of her lips.

She’s so damn gorgeous.

“I’ve wanted to kiss you like that for so long.” Her eyes widen. “You’ve always been the girl I watched from across the room, the girl I always wondered about but was always too late to ask out.”

“Are you serious?”

I nod, lifting my hand and tracing over her lower lip with my thumb.