“How does it feel?” I asked, staring deep into her eyes. She’s panting softly as she fucked me slowly with her eyes.

“What?” She asked

“To be the most desired woman in the room?”

She broke off the concentration just enough to beam a sultry smile and swing her full hair over her shoulders.

“What can I say? I’m used to it.”

“Let’s go to my place,” I issued an invitation tilting my head slowly and gauging her reaction. She’s lapping up my attention and inching closer to me on the seat.

“Is it big enough?” she whispered, standing on her toes to talk into my ear.

“You’ll see.” I responded with an amused smile.

I pulled her away from the bar and tug her through the crowd, away from the band playing soft reggae music in the background and towards the back door of the club. I felt reckless and worst of all I was fighting thinking about the hurt in Sophie’s eyes when I had drawn away from her the night before.

There are a few people waiting in the shadows for an empty stall, but I keep going past them, turning the corner and finally stepping out to where I parked my car.

Before approaching my car, I first pressed her against the wall draped in the shadows of a broken overhead light. I asked her what she thought if I were to bind her wrists.

“Yes.” She smiled.

I pinned her wrists up above her head running my hands down the length of her body. She was breathing fast, curling against me. I studied her face in the glow of the streetlight.

“What’s your name?” I brushed my lips against her ears.

“Maria.” She supplied,

“Do you do dance on special requests?”

“If you convince me enough.” She replied with a sly smile. I responded by waving some bundles in front of her. “Five thousand, just to dance in my house for a night. You can see it as a kind of date”

Her eyes grew large at the money I waved in front of her and she licked her lips eagerly, nodding fast. “Okay, let’s go.”

I released her and headed for my car. Soon we’re racing to the villa, the breeze rushing past my ears. As I pulled up into my driveway, a wave of humility hit me. I realized that my fingers were tingling. I badly needed this distraction, anything to make me stop thinking about her

Maria walked into the house as I opened the front door. “Make yourself comfortable,” I said leaving her in the sitting room to get us both drinks from my cabinet which was filled with all types of different brands of expensive alcohol. I never ran out of choices with my drinks. I selected vodka, pouring small portions and adding ice cubes.

When I went back to the sitting room, I discovered that she had turned on the stereo already and was dancing fluidly to Beyonce’s voice blaring out from the magnified speakers. She was quite good, I would give her that. She knew how to move with the flow and maintain eye contact even as she twisted and whirled with the beat of the song.

After a few minutes, with a painful jolt, I realized that I’m not caught up in the moment as she was. I stood up with a sharp groan, swirling the empty drink in my hand as if there was something there to swirl, I walked back to the sitting room. What was I doing? I headed for the bar and with shaking hands poured another shot of vodka downing it in an instant.

“Shit!” I banged the empty glass on the table.

What the hellwas wrong with me? I’d never been this able to lose interest in things like this before, and it was not just that, the whole activity felt meaningless – shallow. What changed?

“Who is she?” Maria came into the sitting room. She was staring at me with a knowing look.

“Who is who?” I asked darkly.

“The woman you can’t stop thinking about. I’ve seen these things play out before, it’s always a woman.”

For a brief, terrifying moment, I stopped to consider the possibility that Sophie was the cause of my distraction. I dismissed it immediately just as it occurred.

“Nonsense. There’s no woman, I just feel bored. You promised me a lot of excitement tonight.” I directed an irritable look at her while she stared at me with the knowing look of a woman who knew exactly what she was saying. It grated.

“You’d best tell her how you feel before it’s too late. Sometimes, later can be never.”