“Then why do you flinch or become uncomfortable when I come near you?”

I grimaced. “Do you really want me to say this?”

He raised an eyebrow. “I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want to know, right?”

“There’s something between us,” I began, looking everywhere but his face. Then he tipped my chin so I faced him.

“There’s a strong attraction between us. It jolts through my body like electricity when you touch or brush up against me. I can’t help reacting, it’s instinctive.”

He stopped massaging and looked into my eyes, he had a brooding gaze, and I couldn't tell what he was thinking. “Like this?”

Then without warning, he reached for me and leaned in for a kiss, crushing his lips against mine. My breath caught in my throat, and I lifted my face, meeting him halfway. His lips were demanding, plundering as he broke down all my walls.

“You are beautiful. So so beautiful.” He murmured against my throat, and his fingers slid the straps of my gown over my arm, exposing the curve of my shoulder. He smoothed a hand over my skin, taking his time, as if savoring every millimeter of my flesh with the tips of his fingers. My body hummed in response, and my lips eagerly received all that he had to offer me, greedily lapping it up.

He planted a hot-as-fire kiss on my mouth, trailing a pathway of kisses down the side of my neck. My whole body shuddered in reaction as I clung to him for dear life.

“You drive me crazy, Sophie. Every day, I’m tormented with the thoughts of how you looked that night in the villa with your kiss-swollen lips.“

“Every night, I am tormented with the memories of how sinfully good your hands felt when you touched me. I thought I would go crazy if I did not feel your fingers on my bare skin again.”

His words quickened something deep inside me, my legs shook, and I realized that if I hadn’t been seated already, I would have slipped to my knees. He traced the line of my spine with his fingers and rewarded me with his tongue hot and heavy in my mouth, searching, exploring.

“Raymond,” I moaned, slipping my fingers beneath the bottom edge of his linen shirt. “You are so hard,” I exclaimed in wonder. I badly wanted him and I hoped he could hear the passion in my voice, feel the shivers shuddering down my body. Then, suddenly he broke the kiss.

I turned confused eyes at him and he whispered against my throat breathing hard as he fought to control himself. Then I heard it too, the short sharp raps even as the words tumbled out of his tongue.

“There’s someone… at the door.”



I turned a murderous look at the door, wondering who the hell had such a bad sense of timing. My erection teased me, and Sophie’s glazed eyes haunted me. Good Lord, she was soft and smelled like a breeze off the ocean in spring. The moment I captured her lips in mine, she’d responded with so much passion that shook me.

“This wasn’t a kiss for the camera.” The thought tilted my consciousness. This was the real deal, and the motive mocked me. Sophie wasn’t like the others, she was the kind of woman who would demand forever and commitment. The two things I could never give her.

Scowling, I opened the door to discover Frederico at the other side carrying our bags. He casted a wary look at me seeing my expression, and I had to force my voice to be civil just to reassure him. He brought the bags in, and I barked out a string of instructions just as he was leaving.

“Make sure we’re not to be disturbed.” I reiterated and slammed the door.

Running my hands through my hair, I warned myself not to get too involved with Sophie. A fake relationship was alright, but a real one demanded expectations, neither of which I could fulfill. Sophie was the sort of woman who expected true words of love and genuine affection. She wasn’t the sort of woman to simply allow a relationship to be superficial, she was the sort who dug and analyzed with the thought that there was an answer for everything only if you searched hard enough for it. All I wanted was uncomplicated sex.

Walking back, I noticed that she was now standing on shaky legs. Muttering expletives, I covered the distance between us in seconds.

“Do you want to break what’s left of your legs? Have you forgotten you have a twisted ankle?” I demanded incredulously.

“I’m not handicapped, Raymond. I just need to go to the bathroom.”

“Well then, I’ll take you there—”

“Don’t you dare!” She turned on me, eyes blazing.

That took me by surprise. I raised up my hands, backing off.

“Whoa, whoa easy. Sophie, I’m not the enemy.”

“Don’t you see?” She exclaimed in frustration rolling the hem of her gown in her hands subconsciously.