I wasn't even sure if it would work but hell, I had to try.

I sat on the balcony, running my hands along the rim of my glass filled with scotch. My phone sat beside me, tormenting me as I so desperately wanted to call her. I needed to make sure she was okay, to explain what happened, fearing I may lose her forever.

As the sun began to glare, I was reminded of the first day she walked to the house. Fearing nothing and no one, daring me with her eyes to challenge her. I knew then that she was special, I just never knew how special she would become to me.

I'd been unable to get a decent night sleep since she walked out on me and Maria. My waking moments had been consumed with the thoughts of her, and I'd been obsessed with finding a way to correct my mistake. She meant so much to me, this fiery woman who had stolen my heart from the first day I saw her.

Despite the lack of sleep, my mind refused to shut down, my eyes betraying me when I attempted to close them. The images of that morning teased me - the look on her face as she moaned to my touch, the pure ecstasy that her body craved. She'd been so primed, so ready for me. I could sense her eagerness and anticipation as she ran up to the room racing me just to fulfill my fantasy. If only we never left the inlet, if only– so many if onlys!

In frustration, I pressed the phone against my forehead, trying to control this obsession with her. I'd never lost control with any woman like this before. Sophie made me want to do things I would never have even thought of before. Thinking of her always has me on edge and I knew it was not just the sex, it had never been just that. The two of us were polar opposites, yet a combustion whenever we met up. She complimented me in so many aspects. She was my sickness and my drug, too, having her made sense.

Put the fucking phone down.Placing the phone on the table, I replaced it with a scotch in my hand, drinking the last remnants of the bottle. It no longer burned, unable to mask the pain of my careless actions a few days ago.

No matter what I did or said, I didn’t know if Sophie would forgive me. Even still I had to find a way to convince her to talk and listen. Sophie was all woman, if there was anything I’d learned about her these past weeks, she was very headstrong. Once she put her foot down, there was no going back. Apologies alone wouldn’t work this time, I had to do something more.

I rang Cat and she picked up immediately.

"Mr. Tucker?"

"Hello, Cat. I need you to do something really quick for me."

I could sense her curiosity over the phone, it was palpable.


"I need you to do some research on the turtles here in Malibu. Get me information on their feeding, mating season, habits and how they survive. Every single thing, Cat."


"Yes, Cat. Turtles. And I need them faxed within the next three hours."

"But, Mr. Tucker–" she sputtered. "This is all so sudden. There's a lot of information to be gleaned about them, I'll need more than three hours to–"

"Cat, I don't pay you to complain about any task I give you. Three hours! I'll be waiting." I interrupted rudely, and hung up.

So, I sounded like a prick, but I was going crazy.

This wasn’t like me.

I was always in control.

What has Sophie done to me?

I trusted Cat would email the information in exactly three hours or even less. She had her way around these things.

I was curious to understand Sophie’s motivation behind the turtles and her obvious love for them. Maybe it will make me feel better, if only Cat would hurry up. Removing my jacket, I threw it to the couch and poured myself another drink. I'd been drinking more than usual these past few days and barely feeling the numbness alcohol usually gave me. I could easily down this bottle of Bourbon in one gulp and not feel a thing.

Something was seriously wrong with me.

I began to pace around, feeling my fists tighten with each passing minute. I was trying to remember when it became like this between Sophie and I. Was it the night we had to wait out the tropical storm? Or the day we almost died at sea? Or even the one she had me hold her all night long? I couldn't pinpoint the exact time I started to lose control, all I knew was that I’d crossed the threshold and wouldn’t mind breaking a few of my own rules for her.

For the first time in my life, my money felt useless. I had at my disposal all the wealth I could ever hope to get, but it meant little in the face of losing the one thing that mattered most. I finally get it. This was what Sophie was trying to explain to me all the while and I had been blind to it. I was such a fool.

My phone trilled. Cat? I picked up. It was an unknown number.

"Hello?" I said cautiously

"It's Kaitlyn." The strong, sassy voice of Sophie's friend came on the line. I eased up a bit.