I entered the lobby to see the staffs’ nervous shuffling when they saw me. In the next few minutes, word would soon circulate that I’d arrived. The environment sickened me, I didn’t want to distract myself with work, I needed to find Sophie!

Slamming the door behind me, I walked to my desk and pressed the speed dial button to reception.

“Get Cat to my office, now.”

“Yes sir,” The voice at the other end rushed.

I sat at my desk and started checking my emails—same old bullshit. It mentally exhausted me. I thrust them aside and massaged my temples while trying to calm my already frayed nerves. I checked the share market and analyzed my stock, drumming my fingers on the huge mahogany desk in front of me while I waited impatiently for Cat’s arrival. Her cautious knock announced her arrival.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Tucker,” she said as she walked into my office, taking a seat opposite me and opening up her laptop. “I hope you enjoyed your vacation?”

“Went well,” I replied with a frown. “I’m not back fully, there are still some things I need to tie up in Malibu.”

She raised her brow but did not say anything. Knowing Cat, she would never ask if I did not tell her. It was one of the things that made me love working with her, that and her sense of discretion.

“Do you know who Kaitlyn Hepburne is?”

“Um... I don’t, but I can do a background check on her if you want me to. Is everything okay?”

I had gone silent mulling over the possible response of Kaitlyn, Sophie’s friend if I reached out to her and tried to enlist her in my plan. I only knew of her from Sophie mentioning her briefly. I knew she’s her best friend, and I knew she owned the house in Malibu.

“Yes, yes. There’s nothing to be worried about Cat, I’ll need you to get as much Information as you can on Kaitlyn. It’s an urgent task.”

“On it, sir.”

The silence in the room stretched further only interrupted by the soft tap tap of Cat using her laptop. After five minutes, she struck gold.

“Here it is boss,” she said handing me a copy she’d quickly scanned from the internet.

I marveled at her efficiency. Everything I needed to know about Kaitlyn was printed on the sheet, from her early education to her latest love interests. Cat was a genius.

“Can you call her and set up a date at Blue cup restaurant for tomorrow at 1pm? Remember to make reservations tonight so we can get the best seats.”

“No problem, Mr. Tucker.” She said as she added them to the schedule on her I-pad.

“Do I have any pending business meetings?” I asked wearily, knowing the answer already. I thought my escape to Malibu would provide me with the reprieve away from work and a renewed burst of energy whenever I finally resumed back. Rather, it seemed that all it filled me with was a strong distaste and low toleration for the corporate life.

“Most of the outstanding meetings were originally rescheduled for the end of the month since that was the time we expected you back. The ones that couldn’t be shifted accepted it to have it virtually. So for now, you have no pending business meetings except if you want me to re-adjust some of the ones we pushed till the end—“

“No, it’s alright.” I hurriedly interrupted half relieved. “Like I said earlier, I have some unresolved deals in Malibu. I won’t be handling any other business meeting on this trip save for the meeting you just scheduled tomorrow.”

“Okay, sir.”

“I have a really busy day tomorrow as I’ll be flying back to Malibu immediately after my meeting. Please book the Waldorf penthouse suite for me tonight.” I glanced up from my screen. “That’s all, you may leave now.”

She walked out of the door, closing it behind her with a quiet grace. My heart gave a sudden clench at the thought of tomorrow’s meeting. Even the most difficult business mergers had never reduced me to this huge nervous wreck. She was just a woman, I reassured myself. A woman like any other woman.WrongThe little voice in my head butted in.She has the power to decide your future with Sophie, all you need is her cooperation.I’ve never been really big on religion but I could use a little prayer for tomorrow. It just had to work.

* * *

I smoothedout the non-existent creases on my suit as I walked into the lobby of Blue cup restaurant. As a rule, I never pick out the seat at a business meeting but for Miss Kaitlyn, I’d make an exception.

“Cat had made the call yesterday evening before I’d left the office and even though she was surprised to receive a call from me, apparently my reputation preceded me. She had agreed to the date and here we were.

Kaitlyn Hepburne was Sophie’s closest friend and she loved her fiercely. She alone had the power to convince Sophie to follow her anywhere even if it was a lion’s den. Such was the trust Sophie had in her friend, and I planned on capitalizing on that this morning.

Barely five minutes later, she walked into the lobby, and I knew instantly that she was the one. Even if I had not glanced briefly at Kaitlyn’s picture before coming, I would have recognized her still. She had a powerful confidence that pushed through when she walked. She didn’t need to announce herself, crowds parted ways unconsciously for her. She wore her hair in a manicured style that matched the twenties, with big curls and lots of hairspray. Her lips were ruby red and her eyes hid behind the enormous sunglasses she perched on her nose.

She wore a red dress, slim-fitted which accentuated the slight curves on her body all the way from her hips to her long shapely legs. Kaitlyn Hepburne was a very beautiful woman and she was aware of it. She also looked like she could kick ass, I don’t know if I should be calm or worried about that fact. I flashed a small smile to hide my nervousness and stood up to take her hands in a friendly handshake across the table.