“She’s the one, isn’t she?” I asked with a growing awareness, conviction making my voice stronger. “She’s the one I saw in your car the other night. God I’ve been such a fool.”

“Sophie, please...” He began.

“Mmmm,” I encouraged, looking at him intently. “This is all a big joke right? This is the part where you will bring out the cameras and call it a prank. Then we’ll laugh over it. Isn’t it!” I screamed at him.

“Sweetheart, this is all a very big misunderstanding. I promise you, I don’t know how this woman got into my bedroom.”

“Oh, so you mean to tell me that she just appeared right out of nowhere into your bedroom Raymond?”

He spread his hands helplessly.

“You must take me for a bigger fool than I thought.”

“Can you just stop this, Sophie? Come on, let’s discuss this outside.”

“Oh, the bedroom is now too good for you? Or you’re simply guilty seeing the object of your affections in the same bedroom? Cut the crap, Raymond. I will not be taken for an idiot least of all by you.”

“I really don’t understand what is happening right now but Sophie. Please calm down. Let me sort this out.”

“Don’t you get it?” I grounded out throwing my hands in frustration. “There is nothing to sort. I’ve been deliberately blind to the signs all along but the red flags have been glaring. You consistently maintained the fact that you were not cut out for a long term relationship. You balked at the idea of making our fake relationship six months but you later came around just to prove me wrong. A few weeks later I catch you with another woman coming out of your house. Now I catch the same woman in your bedroom. No honestly, Raymond put yourself in my shoes. What’s not to believe?”

He looked confused and anguished, for a moment I was almost sucked in by his earnest expression. He was struggling with himself. I can see it in his eyes and it kills me.

“Tell me why, maybe I can understand you better, I refuse to believe that this is all of you.”

“It’s not what you think it is.” He repeated with gritted teeth, rage fueled me.

“Liar! You planned it all exactly like this. I’m sure you’ll go off to some corner to laugh your head off as soon as I leave here. You and your mistress.” I spat in the direction of the woman not losing my gaze on Raymond.

He seemed bewildered and my resolve threatened to slip, but I reminded myself again why I was doing this. For the longest time, I had attracted the worst kind of guys to myself, and I was willing to believe that Raymond was different. That he was better. The betrayal felt more painful than all my previous breakups combined.

“Um… ma’am please. This is all a very big misunderstanding. I only came here to—“ Maria began, her hands wrung tight and expression nervous as the words spilled out of her mouth. I didn’t let her finish.

“Please don’t lookfor me. Don’t call me. Don’t text me. I do not want to have anything to do with you ever again.” I finished painfully looking at Raymond pointedly ignoring the words of the woman. I had nothing to say to the mistress, no business talking to her. This was between Raymond and me, acknowledging her words would make me angrier so I ignored her. Then I stormed out of the bedroom. He raced after me but I resisted all attempts from him to talk. As I rounded up the corner leading up to my driveway, he grabbed my hand and whirled me around until I was crushed against his chest.

My heart was beating very fast as I ground against him, and I prayed feverishly that my body didn’t betray me. He captured my mouth with a hot searing kiss that went straight to my soul.

His tongue plundered my core, searching and inquiring. It took every ounce of my strength not to respond to his kiss. My legs weakened with each invasion and when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, he broke the kiss.

He stared at me for several long moments, a question in his eyes that I did not hesitate to answer immediately with my mouth.

“Yes, it’s over Raymond. We are over and done with.” The words left my mouth like a burning lava, and it was so painful that I thought I might be sick. I hated hurting him like this, but he hurt me first. Over and over again he kept doing it. I couldn’t be with a man who had a problem maintaining fidelity with me.


And I snatched my hands away from his embrace and hurried down the pathway that led to my house. It was goodbye for good.



Istill couldn’t believe it. This has to be some weird cosmic joke because how did we move from a hundred to zero so fast?

"What was Maria doing in my bedroom?" Sophie had asked but even I had no clearer answer to it than she did. How did she even get the keys?

I fumedas I thought of how well and truly fucked I was this time. There was nothing I could say to make her believe that nothing was going on between Maria and I this time, nothing!

"Maria,what the fuck are you doing in my house?" I demanded as I rounded in on her inside the house fuming. She was standing in the sitting room now, shivering visibly. She immediately took on a frightened look seeing my expression.