“Thank you,” he whispered, drawing me close as I basked in the joy of his embrace. All the nerves in my body came alive. Intense joy filled my heart and threatened to burst through as I imagined how the universe made everything fall in place just accordingly.

He was mine.



Iwas already in the kitchen when Sophie came down the next morning.

“Mmmm, if this tastes as good as it smells, I’m marrying you right away.”

Looking up as she came into the kitchen, I laughed, bemused at her hopeful expression as she held out a plate. I filled it up generously with cucumber sandwiches, canapés, cheese straws, scrambled eggs, and dried fruits.

I opened a bottle of orange juice and poured two glasses.

“You made breakfast? I’m impressed,” she said with a teasing grin.

“If I’d known all it took to win your heart was to make breakfast, I’d have done that a long time ago.” I whined in mock hurt, a hand to my chest. Her little peals of laughter filled me with so much relish.

“Should we eat at the sitting room?” I asked.

“Here is fine.” She murmured excitedly, pulling out a chair.

She was wearing a yellow summery dress with her hair piled up atop her head. Her feet were bare and she had no makeup on.

I sat down opposite her and moved the glass bowl of daisies to one side. “How do you manage to look so fresh and beautiful this early in the morning? There should be a law somewhere against this.” I said sweeping my eyes over her lithe form and sending heated looks over to her across the table.

She blushed, deflecting my compliments with a laughter and a teasing wink.

“Well, we can’t excuse the glow, can we?” She looked like a woman in love, and I felt a fierce sense of possessiveness as I gazed at her.

My woman.

“Is it me?” she asked as she spooned a forkful of scrambled eggs into her mouth. “Or are these eggs magnificent?” She licked her lips, the tip chasing a tiny speck of egg inside.

“Watching you eat them... that might be classified as magnificent.”

She tilted her head and gave me a slightly embarrassed smile. “I’m starving.”

“I was thinking,” I began. “There’s a nice little inlet near the beach, are you interested in going on a date with me there?”

“Our first official date?” she asked, her eyes wide.

“Technically, we’ve had other dates but yes, this is our first official one,” I said with a smile.

“Yes!” She squealed, “You don’t have to ask me twice, I’ll definitely go on a date with you.”

All of a sudden, I felt nervous and a small stirring of excitement. I’d rung earlier to have the inlet prepared for us with dim lighting, flowers all around, and their lace decor theme. I wanted it to be as romantic as possible. I wanted badly to impress Sophie, with flowers, gifts, all the works.

I leaned over the table separating us and caught her lips for a light kiss. “You’d best go and change now, our limousine will be here in the next fifteen minutes.”

“Yay!” She squealed again like a high school teenager.

Her excitement was infectious, and I found myself grinning widely. She disappeared into her room and re-emerged a few minutes later in a short breezy orange sundress. She wore flip-flops and had left her hair wild to fly. The sight caught me transfixed. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

“Wait for me in the car when you’re done. I want to quickly change my clothes.” I said, kissing her on the lips. I briefly dashed over to the villa and headed for the bedroom where I changed into a short-sleeved silk shirt and cotton shorts with a remarkable speed. The morning sun was just peeking out from behind the clouds when I headed out of the villa to meet her already waiting in the limo.

“Oooh oooh, Mister you’re about to break some hearts today.” She imitated in her best John Garry when she saw me. I burst out laughing at her theatrics.