I ignored Eric’s second and third question. “It wasn’t working anymore.”

“Yeah, I know these last few months haven’t been the best, but I’ve—“

“It hasn’t been working for a while,” I said flatly. “Even when we were still in school.”

He came closer and put his hand on the opened car door beside me, invading my space, and effectively shutting Raymond out. I sucked in a sharp breath. His proximity made me want to step back, but I also didn’t want to appear weak. I needed to hold my ground and get through this.

“We are not the same people anymore,” I said.

He scoffed. “That’s not true.”

“Yeah? If my grandmother had passed away last year, you would have gone with me to the funeral.”

His posture went defensive. “I had to work. I fucking told you.”

“It’s not just that. Before, you would have been there for me. But the last few months, you weren’t.” I got angry and hurt all over again at the memory. “We barely saw each other at the beginning of the year until we broke up. I was not your girlfriend. I was an afterthought.”

Eric’s gaze hardened, and something like embarrassment colored his expression. He didn’t turn or look away from me, but it was clear from his raised voice that his question was directed at Raymond. “Is there some reason you’re still here?”

Tension bound me in place. It was uncomfortable for everyone, and worse when Eric pointed it out.

Raymond straightened, taking on a threatening stance, anger oozing from him in waves. “Bold of you to take that tone with me in my own driveway. This is my house, my woman, and I don’t care whatever history you both have. I suggest you leave now before things get real nasty for you.”

If it was possible for Eric to grow angrier, he did. He puffed out his chest like an over bloated peacock, his features changing rapidly into an ugly rage that I’d seen so many times that I lost count of it. This was quickly developing into an all-round macho battle, and if I don’t put a stop to it now, Raymond would beat Eric to a pulp. By all indication, Eric was a small man with a big ego, but it never stopped him from picking fights that were more than he could handle.

The old nature of protecting Eric from himself flared in me again, and I couldn’t help myself.

“Eric, let’s go inside and talk about this.”

“No,” he snapped.

“You need to explain who the fuck this man is and why he just called you his woman. Are you fucking him?”

My face flamed.

“Jesus, Sophie. Have you sunk so low to now fuck around with the next available man because he has a fucking villa and a BMW? I never figured you for a whore.”

He didn’t see it coming. He was knocked down flat by the force of Raymond’s fist, and when he managed to get back up again, he was sporting a broken and bloody nose.

“Who the fuck are you?” He raged spitting out blood, roaring like a wounded lion.

“I am Raymond Tucker, and I have the power to make your life very miserable if you ever open your filthy mouth to call Sophie a whore again. I don’t care who you think you are but you will do well to mind the choice of your words next time.”

Pride swelled up in my heart as I looked at Raymond; he was angry. Angrier than I had ever seen him and throwing his name around, something he almost never did, all because Eric had called me a whore. It felt so good to be protected and defended for a change.

I turned to face Eric bestowing him with a haughty look. “Raymond is more of a man than you’ll ever be. Not now and not in your next life. At least he doesn’t need to put me down in order to make himself feel good.”

”Now get out of here!.”

With a subdued and nasty look darted between Raymond and me, Eric said sourly. “Your parents sent me to you when they couldn’t reach you on your cell phone. They were very worried.”

I sighed as I imagined how much panic they both must have felt to send Eric over to Malibu “I don’t need you to communicate with my parents. Now get the fuck outta here,” I said with disgust. He glared at me and I turned around to leave.

Fed up with the drama, I marched myself home. It was just enough for me. Enough of a day. I was so exhausted from the emotions of seeing Raymond, going off on an escapade at sea, the storm, almost drowning (I can't swim well), and then making up… now Eric is in my face. I just needed to be alone.

When I got into my house I jumped on the couch and stared at the ceiling. It was popcorn ceiling which even though is out of style, always looked interesting to me and made me wonder, who on earth came up with it? I sighed deeply and thought of nothing.

How had I spent so much time on a mean, crummy guy like Eric? I must have been seriously confused about my self worth. It’s crazy how when it's you, you don't even see it. I couldn’t even tell that I was settling so low compared to where true happiness and love reside.